Page 54 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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North Korea             Date               South Korea
                                                            The ROK Special envoy visits North Korea
                                                    March 5,   (March 5 - 6, direct sea route over the West Sea)
                                                     2018   *  Chung Eui-yong, director, National Security Office; Suh
                                                             Hoon, director, National Intelligence Service
                                                            The ROK Special envoy to North Korea announces the
                                                            result of the visit
                                                            *  ˝Holding an Inter-Korean summit; ˞Installing hotline
                                                    March 6,   between the two leaders; ˟North Korea’s commitment
                                                             to denuclearize; ˠNorth Korea’s willingness to have a
                                                             dialogue with the U.S.; ˡCessation of missile
                                                             provocations and non-use of nuclear and conventional
                                                             weapons against the ROK; ˢThe ROK Taekwondo and
                                                             performance groups’ visit to North Korea
                                                    March 25,
                 Chairman Kim Jong-un’s first visit to China (March 25 - 28)
                                                     April 1,  The ROK and the U.S. begin KR/FE combined exercises
                                                     2018   *  KR: April 23 - May 4, FE: April 1- 26
                 Chairman Kim Jong-un presides over a Central
                 Committee Bureau of Politics meeting  April 9,
                 *  Officially mentions holding an Inter-Korean summit and   2018
                  talks with the U.S. for the first time
                 13  Supreme People’s Assembly holds the sixth meeting
                 A Central Report Meeting celebrating the sixth anniversary
                                                     April 11,
                 of Chairman Kim Jong-un’s inauguration
                 *  Choi Ryong-hae mentions “a military superpower and a
                  strategic nation status”
                 Seventh Central Committee’s third plenary
                 meeting; adopts a resolution
                 *  €Nuclear ˝Weaponize nuclear weapons ˞Cease
                  nuclear and missile tests ˟Join international efforts for
                  nuclear disarmament ˠNon-use and nonproliferation of   April 20,
                  nuclear powerˡFocus on the economy and public   2018
                  welfare ˢParticipate in talks in international community
                 *  €Economy ˝Focus on economy ˞Enhance the roles of
                  institutions ˟Manage implementation of decisions ˠ
                  Take substantive measures
                 North Korea suspends loudspeaker propaganda   April 23,   The ROK discontinued loudspeaker propaganda
                 broadcasts toward the ROK           2018   broadcasts toward the North
                                                            The 2018 Inter-Korean Summit; adopts the Panmunjom
                                                            *  €Inter-Korean Relationship Self-reliance, talks indifferent
                                                             areas, promotion of exchanges and cooperation,
                                                             reunion of separated families, connection of railroads
                                                     April 27,   and roads
                                                     2018   *  €Military Cessation of hostilities; transformation of DMZ
                                                             into a peace zone; maritime peace zone in West Sea;
                                                             general officer-level talks in May
                                                            *  €Denuclearization and Peace Nonaggression, phased
                                                             disarmament, end of a war declaration, and complete
                 “Disclosed dismantling of nuclear test sites; unify time
                 zones to Seoul Standard Time”       April 29,
                 *  April 27: disclosed remarks made during the Summit

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