Page 48 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 48

€ Annex 5 
                  Military Assurance for the Joint Use of Han

                                     (Imjin) River Estuary

                1. Establishment of a joint utilization zone

                  ˝ The zone within the Han (Imjin) River Estuary stretching 70km long; in the South,from the northeastern
                     end point of the Gimpo peninsula to the southwestern end point of Gyodong-do, and in the North, from
                     Imhanri, Panmun-kun, Kaesong-sito Haenam-ri, Yeonan-kun, Hwanghaenam-do will be designated as
                     the joint utilization zone.

                  ˞ All practical military matters arising from within the joint utilization zone will be dealt with through
                     consultations between the two sides.

                2. Joint survey

                  ˝ Field survey on the joint utilization zone will be carried out by the end of December, 2018.
                  ˞ The joint survey team will be composed of about 10 people from each side, including experts to the
                     subject matter.

                  ˟ The matters regarding the use of equipment, hardware and vessels required for the joint survey will be
                     subject to mutual cooperation.

                  ˠ Any comment or action that may provoke the other side will be prohibited among the site survey crew.
                     They may not carry any explosives, weapons or live rounds.

                  ˡ In case of an emergency during the joint survey such as a natural disaster, the team may anchor at a
                     nearby location under the other side’s jurisdiction, and the safety and comfort of the team members
                     will be ensured.

                3. Military assurance measures within the joint utilization zone

                  ˝ A document that includes the information on the personnel and vessel (type, length and weight,
                     purpose of entry, size of crew, cargo on board) due to enter the joint utilization zone will be delivered
                     to the other side 1 day in advance via the Western inter-Korean military communication line.
                  ˞ Check points for each sides in mutually agreed upon locations within the joint utilization zone will be
                     established, where personnel and vessels will be inspected.

                  ˟ All vessels sailing through the joint utilization zone will not be allowed to approach within 100m of the

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