Page 74 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 74

Garrison Humphreys (USAG-H) and last year’s relocation of 8  Army Headquarters. The two sides
                    noted that USAG-H, the largest U.S. overseas military base, represents the strength of the U.S.-ROK
                    Alliance and serves as the symbol of the strong resolve of the Alliance to safeguard the peace and
                    stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. The Secretary expressed appreciation for the
                    ROK's support of the outstanding construction of USAG-H and the smooth relocation process.

                17.  The Secretary and the Minister reaffirmed that USFK’s relocation and camp returns are in the interest
                    of both countries and pledged to work together closely on relevant issues to ensure successful
                    transformation in accordance with the U.S.-ROK Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The two sides
                    also noted that the responsibility to restore the facilities and areas should be determined pursuant to
                    agreements between the two countries and committed to enhance transparency regarding release of
                    relevant information. In addition, the Secretary and the Minister reconfirmed their intent to continue to
                    discuss relevant issues through regular consultations in accordance with the SOFA. The Secretary and
                    the Minister shared the view that ensuring sufficient and continuous training opportunities for USFK is
                    an essential element to maintain a strong combined defensive posture and, to this end, noted that it is
                    important for ROK MND and USFK to make joint efforts to manage civilian-military relations effectively
                    such as by strengthening accident prevention and other measures in consideration of residents near
                    training areas.

                18.  The Secretary offered his appreciation for the ROK’s contributions toward ensuring a stable stationing
                    environment for U.S. forces in Korea and for the ROK’s contribution toward ensuring comprehensive
                    security burden-sharing. The Secretary and the Minister noted that the Special Measures Agreement
                    (SMA) has greatly contributed to strengthening U.S.-ROK combined defense capabilities and concurred
                    that it is crucial to conclude the SMA in a timely manner. The two sides committed to continue to enhance
                    the SMA framework by strengthening transparency in its execution, respecting the USFK Commander’s
                    flexibility, promoting mutual respect, and ensuring the sound implementation of this agreement.

                19.  Secretary Mattis and Minister Jeong expressed appreciation for the courtesy, hospitality, and work by
                    both sides that contributed to the success of this year’s SCM. The secretary and the minister affirmed
                    that the discussions during the 50  SCM and the 43  MCM substantively contributed to strengthening
                    the U.S.–ROK Alliance and further enhanced the development of the bilateral defense relationship into
                    a mutually reinforcing alliance. Both sides expect to hold the 51  SCM in Seoul at a mutually convenient
                    time in 2019 and committed to make efforts to hold the 5  U.S.–ROK Foreign and Defense Ministerial
                    (2+2) meeting at an early date. End.

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