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the ROK and facilitate mutual cooperation for their respective security interests. The SCM has served as a
                forum to discuss the future of the Alliance by providing strategic direction, set forth in documents such as
                the “Joint Vision for ROK-U.S. Alliance (2006),” “Guidelines for ROK-U.S. Defense Cooperation (2010),” and
                the “U.S.-ROK Tailored Deterrence Strategy (2013).” Such efforts have helped shape a relationship built on
                mutual trust and shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

                  The SCM builds independent operational capabilities of the ROK armed forces and mutual defense
                capabilities of the Alliance. In the 1970s, the U.S. provision of support for small arms factory construction
                in Korea and of foreign military sales loans laid the groundwork for the ROK military’s modernization and
                capacity-building for independent defense capabilities. During the 1980s and 1990s, the two nations
                produced more tangible results at the SCM as they signed the “Mutual Logistics Support Agreement”
                and agreed to expand their defense industry cooperation, strengthening alliance sustainment capabilities
                and giving a significant push for the development of the ROK defense industry and defense science and
                technology. In the past two decades, much of the SCM’s efforts have been focused on strengthening
                the ROK’s independent capabilities as well as the Alliance’s response capabilities. In particular, the SCM
                provided the necessary momentum for key policy decisions on operational control (OPCON) transition and
                its implementation. In 1994, armistice operational control of forces was successfully transferred back to the
                ROK, and the Alliance has since focused its efforts on attaining relevant preconditions for wartime OPCON

                  The SCM has helped deepen and expand the level of cooperation between ROK and U.S. forces.
                The SCM is a key forum that strengthens bilateral cooperation and a concerted international response to
                counter global security threats. Some of the efforts include counter terrorism, United Nations Peace Keeping
                Operations, stabilization and reconstruction, counter piracy operations, and humanitarian assistance and
                disaster relief. Moreover, the SCM helps extend bilateral cooperation in newly emerging security areas,
                including cyber and space. To strengthen the Alliance’s comprehensive security capabilities, the SCM
                oversees future-oriented cooperation in diverse areas ranging from defense science and technology to
                defense industry and technology protection.

                  In the past 50 years, the SCM has grown into the symbol of the ROK-U.S. Alliance; an irreplaceable
                consultative mechanism that has ensured security on the Korean Peninsula. With the SCM at the center
                of the Alliance effort, we are able to wisely manage any emerging security challenge. Today, the security
                environment on the Korean Peninsula, the Asia Pacific region, and around the globe faces a turning point. We
                live in a volatile security environment which is why the SCM and the ROK-U.S. Alliance are more important

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