Page 80 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 80

Appendix 17
                  Direct and Indirect Financial Support

                         for the stationing of the USFK

                Details of Continuous Financial Support: Approximately KRW 3.4
                                                                                 Unit: KRW 100 million
                Classifi Cate
                            Subcategory                 Items                        2015
                 cation  gory
                             Defense       Labor cost (3,490), military construction (4,148), and
                           burden sharing          logistics support (1,682)
                                        Use of U.S. communications lines and combined C4I systems  154
                      Defense            KATUSA troop support (basic wages, clothing expenses,
                      Budget                  and other operational support expenses)
                                           Maintenance expense of areas in vicinity of bases
                 Direct                                                                   82
                                             (Magnum ammunition storage maintenance)
                                                     Property support                     82
                                             Maintenance in nearby areas around camps
                      Support from sources other   (roadworks and support for Pyeongtaek)  14,542
                       than defense budget
                                            Compensation of damages from official duties  1
                                                 Total                                 24,279
                                            Appraisal of rent of lands granted free of charge  7,105
                        Opportunity cost           KATUSA opportunity cost               936

                                                  Support for training field use         236
                                       Exemption of tariffs, domestic taxes, local taxes, and taxes on oil   1,135
                                                     import and sales
                         Exempted and
                                         Reduction of water/sewage bills, electricity bills, gas bills,   91
                       reduced expenses
                                                      and phone bills
                                           Exemption of road, port, airport, and railroad fees  86
                                                 Total                                  9,589
                                              Total                                    33,868

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