Page 82 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 82

Description of each Items

                    Classification          Description                   Legal basis
                                                                ROK–U.S. Combined Forces Command
                  Fee for the use of U.S.   Fee for the use of U.S. communications
                 communications lines and  lines (35% of total use fees) and   Agreement on Sharing of CommunicationsExpenses;
                                                                Implementation Agreement Regarding Cost Sharing
                  combined C4I systems  subsidies for combined C4I systems
                                                                and Information Interoperability System
                  KATUSA troop support
                  (basic wages, clothing   Basic wages, clothing expenses, and other   Oral Agreement between President
                   expenses, and other   operational cost support for the ROK force support   Rhee Seung-man and UNC Commander MacArthur
                   operational support   group
                                                                Articles 2 and 5, SOFA; Articles 2 and 3, Agreed
                                 Expenses for purchase of lands in safe zone around   Understanding; Article 78, Act on Acquisition of and
                  Magnum ammunition   USFK Magnum ammunition storage and relocation of  Compensation for Land, Etc. for Public Works
                  storage maintenance
                                 residents                      Projects; Article 2, Act on National Defense and
                                                                Military Installations Projects
                                                                Article 4, ROK–U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty; Articles
                                                                2 and 5, SOFA; Articles 2 and 3, Agreed
                                                                Understanding; Article 78, Act on Acquisition of and
                                 Expenses for purchase, use, and
                   Real estate support                          Compensation for Land, Etc. for
                                 compensation of facility and used sites
                                                                Public Works Projects and Article 40, Enforcement
                                                                Decree of the Act; Article 2, Act on National Defense
                                                                and Military Installations Projects
                                                                Article 4, ROK–U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty; Articles
                 Support for roadworks in
                                 Expenses for road maintenance In vicinity of   2, 3, and 5, SOFA; Special Act on Support for Areas,
                  nearby areasin nearby
                                 Pyeongtaek Base and support for Pyeongtaek  etc. Adjacent to Districts Granted to the United
                  areas andPyeongtaek
                                                                States Armed Forces in Korea
                   Compensation for   Support compensation costs for property damages
                  damages inccurred by   or personal injuries caused by USFK’s military   Article 23, SOFA
                     official duties  training or execution of official duties
                                 Opportunity cost of rents for lands granted to USFK
                 Appraisal of rent of lands   free of charge    Article 4, ROK–U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty; Article 2,
                    free of charge  *  Calculation method: applied the statutory rate to   SOFA
                                  the average of official land prices
                                 Additional expenses to be borne by
                                 the U.S. forces if KATUSA personnel were U.S.
                                 military personnel
                      KATUSA                                    Oral Agreement between President
                    opportunity cost  *  Calculation method: (annual basic wages of U.S.   Rhee Seung-man and UNC Commander MacArthur
                                  forces members + foreign language proficiency
                                  bonus) - annual wages of the ROK forces
                                 Support for the use of firing ranges by the USFK  Articles 2 and 5, sofa; agreements and MOUs
                  Support for the use of                        regarding the use of Korean military training areas
                    training areas  *  Calculation method: area × official land prices ×
                                  number of days in use / 365 × rent rate  and firing ranges by USFK
                                 Exemption and reduction of taxes and charges
                  Exempted and reduced   *  Calculation method: estimated based on the   Articles 6, 10, 14, and 16; SOFA
                      expenses    number of USFK troops based on data for the
                                  1999 - 2011 timeframe
                                                                Article 12, Special Act on Support for Areas, etc.
                                 Compensation of the remediation
                   Remediation of soil   expense in accordance with the procedures under   adjacent to districts granted to the United States
                    contamination in   the State Compensation Act after   Armed Forces in Korea; Guidelines on Basic
                    returned bases                              Environmental Surveys of Areas Adjacent to Districts
                                 local governments decontaminate the soil
                                                                Granted to the United States Armed Forces in Korea
                   Land purchase in   Partial support for the purchase of lands required for   Special Act on Support for Areas, etc. Adjacent to
                    returned granted   development for boosting the local economy of   Districts Granted to the United States Armed Forces
                      districts  adjacent areas and returned districts  in Korea

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