Page 86 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 86

Number of   Accession of
                                          Member States
                        Classification              the ROK and          Main Contents
                                          (year of effectuation   North Korea
                                          or establishment)
                       Convention on the Prohibition               Prohibits all production, use, stockpiling, and
                        of the Use, Stockpiling,                transfer of anti-personnel mines
                                                    Not acceded by     Destroy anti-personnel mines (within 4 years for
                       Production, and Transfer of   164
                                                      the ROK/  stockpiles; within 10 years for  mines planted in the
                       Anti-Personnel Mines and on   (March 1999)  soil)
                 Conve    Their Destruction          North Korea  *  If inevitable, the deadline could be extended by an
                 ntional                                         additional of 10 years
                Weapons  (Ottawa Convention)
                         Convention on Cluster      Not acceded by       Prohibits all production, use, stockpiling, and
                                             105                transfer of cluster munitions
                            Munitions                 the ROK/
                                          (August 2010)         * Current stockpiled cluster munitions should be
                             (CCM)                   North Korea  destroyed within eight years
                                                                   Export on the condition of compliance with IAEA
                                                                safety measures in case of  nuclear related materiel
                         Zangger Committee    39      The ROK
                                                                export to non-NPT member states without nuclear
                              (ZC)         (August 1974)   (October 1995)
                                                                   Only NPT member state can accede to the ZC
                                                                   Export control of nuclear materials, technology,
                        Nuclear Suppliers Group  48   The ROK   equipment, and dual-use items
                             (NSG)        (January 1978)  (October 1996)      Export control to all non-nuclear powers
                                                                   Regardless of their NPT membership
                 Control                                           An export control regime to prevent the proliferation
                 Regimes   Australia Group    43      The ROK   of chemical and biological weapon-related material,
                              (AG)         (June 1985)   (October 1996)  dual-use items and technologies to states of
                                                                   A regime that voluntarily control the proliferation of
                       Missile Technology Control   35   The ROK  rockets, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), and related
                          Regime (MTCR)    (April 1987)   (March 2001)  equipment and technology capable of carrying
                        Wassenaar Arrangement   42    The ROK      An export control regime concerning conventional
                              (WA)         (July 1996)   (July 1996)  weapons, dual-use items, and technology
                                                                   International cooperative activities that aim to
                         Proliferation Security                 interdict the illegal trade of WMD, missiles, and
                 Prolifer    Initiatives     105      The ROK   related materiels by rogue states and terrorist
                  ation                    (June 2003)   (May 2009)
                              (PSI)                             groups, and to prevent the proliferation of such

           388    Appendix
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