Page 85 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 85

Number of   Accession of
                                        Member States
                       Classification              the ROK and          Main Contents
                                        (year of effectuation   North Korea
                                         or establishment)
                       Hague Code of Conduct                     Guidelines of conduct that is of voluntary and
                                                               political nature to preventthe proliferation of ballistic
                       against Ballistic Missile   139  The ROK
                           Proliferation  (November 2002) (November 2002)
                                                                 Bans support for ballistic missile development plans
                Missile     (HCOC)                             that could potentially develop or acquire WMD
                         Committee on the                        Provides the basic principles for technical and legal
                     Peaceful Uses of Outer Space   87  The ROK  issues regarding the exploration and peaceful uses
                                        (December 1959)  (September 1994)
                           (COPUOS)                            of outer space
                                                     The ROK
                        Biological Weapons   182     (June 1987)      Prohibits development, production, stockpiling or
                         Convention (BWC)  (March 1975)  North Korea   acquisition of biological weapons (agents or toxins)
                                                    (March 1987)
               Biological                                        Prohibits all development, production, stockpiling,
                 and                                           and use of chemical and toxin weapons
               Chemical  Chemical Weapons   193      The ROK      Mandates the destruction of all chemical weapons
               Weapons   Convention (CWC)  (April 1997)   (April 1997)  within 10 years of acceding to the CWC
                                                               *  If inevitable, the deadline could be extended by
                                                               five additional years
                        Organization for the                    An executive body to monitor and inspect member
                                            193      The ROK
                       Prohibition of Chemical                 states to ensure their implementation of CWC
                                          (April 1997)  (April 1997)
                         Weapons (OPCW)                        obligations
                                                                 Contributes to world peace and security by
                                                               preventing illicit trade of conventional weapons and
                         Arms Trade Treaty  99       The ROK
                                                               their diversion
                             (ATT)      (December 2014)  (June 2013)
                                                                 Establishes the standards for the regulation of the
                                                               international trade in conventional weapons
                                                                 Full title: Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions
                                                               on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which
                                                               may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to
                                                     The ROK   Have Indiscriminate Effects
                                                     Protocol I   - Protocol I: prohibits the use of fragmentary
                                                     (May 2001)                    ammunitions that are undetectable by
                Conve  Convention on Certain   125   (amended)                     X-rays
                ntional                                        -  Protocol II: prohibits or restricts the use of mines,
               Weapons  Conventional Weapons (CCW) (December 1983)  Protocol II                       booby traps, etc
                                                     (May 2001)  -  Protocol III: prohibits and restricts the use of
                                                    Protocol V                        incendiary weapons
                                                               -  Protocol IV: prohibits the use of blinding laser
                                                    (January 2008)
                                                               -  Protocol V: regulates the explosive remnants of
                                                                 All member states should register status of imports
                      United Nations Register of               and exports records and possessions of
                                            193      The ROK   conventional arms at the UN
                        Conventional Arms
                                        (December 1991)  (March 1993)      Aims to enhance confidence through sharing
                           (UNRCA)                             information on the conventionalarms transfer and
                                                               improving transparency in armaments

                                                                                      Appendix    387
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90