Page 84 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 84

Appendix 19
                         International Disarmament and

                      Non-proliferation Agreements and


                                                                                As of December 2018
                                           Number of   Accession of
                                          Member States
                        Classification              the ROK and          Main Contents
                                          (year of effectuation   North Korea
                                          or establishment)
                                                      The ROK       One of six committees in the UN General assembly
                        First Committee of the UN   193   (September 1991)  (UNGA) to discuss the issues concerning
                                                                disarmament and international security
                          General Assembly  (October 1945)  North Korea       Recommends 50 to 60 draft resolutions annually to the
                                                    (September 1991)  UNGA, and most of them are adopted by the UNGA
                                                                   Selects three major issues concerning disarmament
                                                      The ROK
                          UN Disarmament                        and nonproliferation and submits a report to the
                                             193    (September 1991)  UNGA after in-depth review
                  UN        Commission
                Organiza     (UNDC)       (January 1952)  North Korea       A deliberative body to elicit directions and principles
                                                                of international community’s agreement concerning
                  tions                             (September 1991)
                                                                major issues
                                                                   The only international negotiation body that is in
                                                                charge of multilateral disarmament
                                                      The ROK
                           Conference on                           Majority of key disarmament-related multilateral
                                              65      (June 1996)  treaties are established through negotiations in the CD
                                          (February 1984)  North Korea       Not an organization directly under the UNGA but,
                              (CD)                              operated by a regular UN budget and its agendas
                                                      (June 1996)
                                                                and standing rules independently
                                                                   Submits an annual report to the UNGA
                                                      The ROK
                        Nuclear Nonproliferation      (April 1975)      Prevents the proliferation of nuclear weapons and
                              Treaty                 North Korea   realizes nuclear disarmament
                                          (March 1970)
                              (NPT)                 (December 1985)      Promotes the peaceful uses of nuclear energy
                                                    * Withdrew in January 2003
                                                      The ROK
                                                                   Provides technological supports to promote the
                                                      (August 1957)
                         International Atomic   170             peaceful uses of nuclear energy
                                                     North Korea
                         Energy Agency (IAEA)  (July 1957)         Safeguards the diversion of nuclear materials from
                                                    (September 1974)  civilians to military purposes
                 Nuclear                            *  Withdrew in June 1994
                                                                   Prohibits all nuclear test explosions at any place
                       Comprehensive Nuclear Test   184   The ROK
                                                                under its jurisdiction, including underground,
                          Ban Treaty (CTBT)  (not effectuated)  (September 1999)  underwater, in the atmosphere and in space
                                                                   Prohibits acquisition, possession, and accumulation
                       Treaty on the Prohibition of   69   Not acceded by   of nuclear weapons through development, test,
                          Nuclear Weapons  (not effectuated)  the ROK/  production, and manufacture
                             (TPNW)                  North Korea      Prohibits the use of nuclear weapons or the threat to
                                                                use nuclear weapons

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