Page 129 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 129

[ Chart 4-8 ]  Major Force Buildup Projects in 2018
                    Weapons Systems           Ongoing Projects                New Projects

                                           High-altitude reconnaissance

                   Battlefield Awareness/
                                         unmanned aerial vehicle          Second upgrade of the ground
                  Command and Control,
                                             Tactical Information Communication   tactical C4I system
                                         Network (TICN)
                                             K-2 tank, ROK indigenous helicopter
                                                                          Firefinder radar II
                     Maneuver/Fires          230mm Multiple-Launch Rocket
                                                                          230mm non-guided missile (R&D)
                                                                         Tactical ship-to-surface missile

                                             Gwanggaeto III–class destroyer
                                                                      (vertical type)
                     Maritime Assets     (Batch II)
                                                                          Combined influence minesweeping
                                             Jangbogo III–class submarine (Batch I)
                                                                          Upgrade of the Identification, friend or
                       Air Assets                                     foe system
                                             Aerial refueling tanker
                                                                          Service life extension of KF-16D
                                                                                                         Chapter 4
               |  2019–2023 Defense Mid-Term Force Enhancement Plan  |    For the implementation of
               “Defense Reform 2.0,” the MND will invest 94.1 trillion from 2019 to 2023 to acquire core

               forces to deter and respond to nuclear and missile threats as the top priority and build key
               military capabilities for wartime operation control (OPCON) transition to establish the ROK
               Armed Forces–led combined defense system. The MND will secure forces necessary for the
               reorganization of the military structure into a future-oriented one, while strengthening the

               capacity to protect ROK nationals residing abroad and respond to the growing nonmilitary
               threats such as terrorism as well as accidents and disasters. In addition, to help the ROK defense
               community lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the MND will strengthen national defense

               R&D capabilities and ensure conditions to invigorate the defense industry.
                 First, to respond to nuclear and missile threats, surveillance and reconnaissance forces, which
               can detect and identify signs of North Korea’s provocations, including military reconnaissance

               satellites and intermediate- and high-altitude UAVs, will be acquired. At the same time,
               command and control forces that can combine and spread detection and identif ication data and
               thereby link them with strike systems will be built. Missile forces capable of striking detected

               and identified targets from long distance as well as F-35As capable of stealth strikes will also be
               acquired. To improve the defense capabilities of the Korea Air and Missile Defense (KAMD)
               designed to intercept ballistic missiles f ired toward the ROK, there will be a push to upgrade the

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