Page 131 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 131

3. Efficient Pursuit of the Defense Force Enhancement Project

               |  Modification of Laws and Regulations regarding Defense Acquisition  |    The MND
               has been revising laws and regulations relevant to defense acquisition programs to carry out the

               defense force enhancement project, which aims to lay the foundation for responsible defense,
               more ef f iciently and transparently.
                 In 2016, the MND took the following measures to enhance the transparency of the defense force

               enhancement project. It adopted a munitions sales agent registration program, which mandates
               those intending to become munitions sales agents to register with the Defense Acquisition
               Program Administration (DAPA) and report the commissions that they have received. It also

               required defense contractors planning to hire people subject to employment screening to check
               if the employment of those people in their organizations is restricted. In addition, the methods
               and procedures of tests and evaluations 3)  that had been based in directives are now stipulated in
               laws and, therefore, have become clarif ied. A working-level committee was set up in the Defense   Chapter 4

               Acquisition Program Promotion Committee, which can now effectively support major policy

                 In 2017, the MND allowed that, for core technology R&D projects, exemption from disciplinary
               actions for failures could be g iven for projects that fail to fulfill their research objectives but are
               deemed to have been faithfully carried out, thus helping to form the foundation for creative and
               challenging researches, and laying the regulatory groundwork to vitalize R&D.

               |  Requirement Review and Analysis and Evaluation  |    To effectively carry out the defense
               force enhancement project in consideration of the national f inance and conditions to obtain

               a defense budget, the MND currently enforces a requirement review program that inspects
               projects and requirements for weapons systems determined by the Joint Chiefs of Staf f (JCS)
               for their feasibility and adequacy, respectively.

                 The Force Requirements Review Committee is contributing towards making the defense

               3)  A process that confirms and verifies whether technological, operational, and managerial requirements written
                  in the proposal of requirements for a certain weapons system have been met. The Minister of Defense is
                  responsible for establishing plans for tests and evaluations and making decisions on the results, and the duty has
                  been delegated to and executed by the JCS.

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