Page 127 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 127

Allied Korea Joint Command and Control System (AKJCCS) and the Korea Joint Command

               Control System (KJCCS) to allow for expeditious battlef  ield situation awareness and decision-
               making. Moreover, a multidimensional communication system using satellite communications
               and airborne data relay will be developed, and capabilities to counter and defend against cyber

               threats will be further enhanced.
                 The ground forces will secure highly powerful and ultra-precision ground-to-ground missile
               forces to deter North Korea’s nuclear and WMD threats, and also secure counterf ire forces

               to counter LRA threatening the greater Seoul metropolitan area. Furthermore, ground and
               airborne maneuver capabilities will be reinforc ed to enable multidimensional maneuver and
               quick response, while an individual combat system 2)  as well as a manned and unmanned complex

               combat system, including the Dronebot Combat System, will be established to help improve
               f ighters’ combat capabilities.
                 The naval forces will acquire destroyers (KDDX), fr igates (FFX), submarines (KSS-III),
               and landing craft (LPX) to maintain maritime superiority around the Korean Peninsula, while   Chapter 4

               securing open-sea task force operational capabilities to protect maritime rights and interests
               including amphibious operations and maritime routes.

                 The air forces will acquire next-generation f ighters (F-X), the ROK’s indigenous f ighters
               (KF-X), joint moving target surveillance control aircraf t, and precision-guided weapons to
               gain air superiority and rapidly incapacitate major high-payoff targets. To prepare for potential
               threats and obtain a wider range of operational execution capabilities, including those for the

               protection of national interests, large transport aircraft, aer ial refueling tankers, and a space-
               based surveillance system will be acquired.
                 The defense forc es will reinforce detection, tracking, and interception capabilities against

               various airborne threats including nuclear weapons, missiles, and LRA. Defense capabilities
               against Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) as well as chemical, biological, and radiological threats
               will also be gradually reinforced.

               2)  An integrated combat system, which includes combat clothing, gear, and equipment, is worn by an individual
                  soldier to project his/her maximum combat power.

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