Page 125 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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borne by the youth who also face challenges in education and employment. It is also expected

               to allow servicemembers to return to the civilian society earlier and, therefore, contribute to the
               eff  icient use of the country’s human resources.

               |  Measures to Prevent the Decline in Combat Power  |    To prevent the decline in combat
               power caused by the shortened service period, cutting-edge defense technologies for modern
               war fare will be strengthened, and the manpower structure will be restructured into one centered

               on of f icers and NCOs with positions requiring prof iciency to be filled in by NCOs. Moreover,
               the soldier training system will be enhanced, and realistic training will be strengthened to
               improve soldiers’ prof iciency as early as possible through scientif ic training. At the same time,

               noncombat missions will be minimized to help soldiers focus on combat missions while serving
               in the military. Thanks to such comprehensive defense reform, the overall strength of the ROK
                                                                                                         Chapter 4
               Armed Forces will be actually enhanced.

                           Section 2  Reducing Standing Troops and Restructuring the Defense Manpower Structure     123
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