Page 143 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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2.  Realizing ICT-Based, High-Efficiency, Advanced Defense Operations

               Cultivating JLVC Training-Based Real  In order to actively respond to dy-
               Combat Warriors and Units             namics in various war aspects and
                                                     overcome limitations in training
               that stems from social and environmental changes such as urbanization, the ROK
               Armed Forces is expanding the use of scientific training system that applies the
               technologies of 4th Industrial Revolution.
                 All service components are working on the establishment of scientific combat
               training centers where maneuvering and live-fire of personnel and equipment are
               integrated with scientific systems. MILES equipments are also being developed           Chapter 4
               and distributed, enabling simulated shooting similar to real settings with the use of
               laser beam. The ROK ensures realistic training environment through expanding the
               application of simulated training with the use of VR and AR. The MND also plans
               to establish a synthetic training environment that will integrate and link various
               scientif c education and training systems in the future.

               Improving the Quality of    The MND is improving the quality of life for
               Life for Servicemembers     servicemembers by supporting safe and healthy
               Using Big Data              barracks life utilizing big data   in various f elds
                                           such as meals, clothing, and medical care.
                 Regarding meals for servicemembers, the MND has established an optimal
               meal demand prediction system using the meal operation data, and improved
               servicemembers’ satisfaction by implementing a pilot project of "automated meal
               service measurement system".
                 For clothing, size measurement using "3D scanning" is currently in use as a pilot
               project for servicemembers in training centers to provide clothing and personal
               equipment suitable for the actual body size of each soldier.
                 The MND plans to further expand the automated meal service measurement
               system and 3D scanning to provide meals that cater to the taste of servicemembers
               and clothing and personal equipment optimized for the body shape of each
               servicemember.                                                        22)
                                                                                     Technology that extracts
                 In the medical field, a mobile remote diagnosis and treatment system is being   values and analyzes results
                                                                                     from data that include a
               established that enables quick response by sharing the information on emergency   large set of both structured
                                                                                     and unstructured data—
               patients being transferred with the Medical All-Source Situation Center in real time.   instead of in the form of
                                                                                     database—that are beyond
               An analysis system that can support the decision making of medical staff with the   the capabilities of existing
                                                                                     database management
               use of military medical big data is also being facilitated.           tools

                                                 Chapter 4.  Building an Innovative Force by Promoting Strong Defense Reform
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