Page 146 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 146

begun a big data prediction model pilot project for 6 items–including personal
                            equipment, bedding, and general goods–and established a comprehensive plan for
                            smart logistics centers by implementing a pilot project for on-site management of
                            military supplies and research service for the operation of a smart logistics center
                            based on robots and big data. The MND plans to gradually expand life span analysis
                            items and introduce smart logistics centers.

                            Win-Win Development of Civilian–  To effectively introduce advanced tech-
                            Government–Military in Major     nologies that are developing day by day,
                            Technical Fields                 it is essential to utilize civilian experts
                                                             and technologies, hence providing the
                            private sector with opportunities to experiment and generate prof ts.
                             First, the MND is making efforts for the early introduction of 3D printing
                            technology in the defense domain. Currently, the civilian–government–military
                            are working together to develop defense metal parts manufacturing technology as
                            part of a research project led by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy. The
                            MND is continuing the education to cultivate defense specialists with 3D printing
        3D printer refers to   manufacturing technology in each service to acquire 3D printing defense manpower.
        the machine itself that
        prints three-dimensional   The MND plans to gain specialized 3D printers tailored to the characteristics of
        objects based on a three-  each service and enhance the efficiency of logistics support by producing defense
        dimensional design, while
        3D printing is the entire   parts that are discontinued or are difficult to procure. More robots for operational
        process of printing three-
        dimensional objects with   sustainability support will be used to solve fatigue problems caused by the reduction
        a 3D printer, by not only
        printing three-dimensional   of human resources and heavy weight and repetitive work in the f eld of operational
        objects but also creating
        the desired result through   sustainability. The ROK Army achieved results
        the process of designing
                            in reducing work hours by conducting test and
        A robot that can    evaluation of muscle-assisted robots  in the
        support the muscles by
        supplementing human   ammunition and engineering units of the Army.
        physical limitations and
        strengthen physical   Currently, a passive-type wearable robot
        abilities (muscle strength,
        endurance, etc.), It   pilot project is being promoted. The MND is
        is classified into an
        exoskeleton-type system   planning to promote technology development
        and a suit-type system   as a civilian-military technology cooperation
        according to the structure
        and operation method.
                            project, select a test unit, and conduct a wear-
        29)                 able robot pilot project.
        A passive robot that does
        not use power and a robot   Drones, a cutting-edge technology that major
        that improves the wearer’s
        physical ability through   advanced countries are paying attention to,
        a drive unit control or a
        mechanical mechanism   are also highly utilized in the field of defense.
        after measuring signals                                     Upper limb strength support wearable
        from the human body  Accordingly, the MND is promoting the de-  robot

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