Page 142 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 142
such as creation of an ecosystem and AI ethics and culture, to introduce AI to the
defense domain. The MND also plans to improve the defense data management
system, which is the basis for utilizing AI, and to cultivate more specialists. Conti-
nuous efforts will be made to develop ROK’s defense AI through the introduction of
AI and its eff cient use in the defense domain.
Strengthening In future wars, interoperability between systems is critical
Interoperability as surveillance, command and control, and strike systems
and information systems need to be connected through a
network to share information and synchronize battlefield situations in real time
based on military science and technology developments. Accordingly, the ROK
Armed Forces has secured their own "tactical data link standard conformance
testing" certification ability for surveillance, command and control, and strike
systems, and they plan to integrate the established interoperability system into a
single system for each resource management and information system for the
eff ciency of interoperability and the standardization of interoperability between the
18) weapons system and the force support system. The MND is striving to improve the
Real-time digital
communications network level of interoperability by updating the defense informatization standards
for information exchange
between information according to the development trend of ICT and the defense and security environment
systems for weapons and verifying whether the latest standards are being applied.
systems and operation of
weapons systems
19) Implementing Smart In order to create new values of defense work and to
Information technology
standards applied to Information Services implement smart information services that can support
secure compatibility and
interoperability between big data-based decision making, the MND is advan-
systems when developing
information systems cing information systems in major fields such as personnel, military, and finance.
20) The MND also plans to improve the accessibility and compatibility of defense
A scientific technique
that predicts and verifies informatization services so that everyone, including civilians, can utilize quality
the experimental results
through simulation in an services. Meanwhile, open software is being introduced and improvements are made
environment that models
characteristics and in education for fostering talented personnel for defense software. The software
functions similar to the
battlefield operation capability of servicemembers are being maximized through AI-software
convergence education.
A state-of-the-art practical A variety of simulation systems are also utilized to enhance combined exercises
training system capable
of integrated operation by and training led by the ROK Armed Forces and their analysis capabilities. The MND
composing Live (actual-
maneuver simulation is developing a defense modeling and simulation (M&S) system by establishing
training), Virtual (virtual
simulation training), and a simulation analysis pilot system that applies advanced technologies such as AI
Constructive (wargame
simulation training) and big data and by developing a live, virtual, constructive training system (LVC)
systems into one synthetic
environment combined with cutting-edge communication technologies.
2020 Defense White Paper