Page 139 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 139
Requirement Review and The MND is implementing a requirement review
Analysis and Evaluation program that verifies the appropriateness of the
weapons system requirements determined by the
JCS, considering the national finances and conditions for acquiring the defense
Having reviewed 34 requirement cases between 2019 and 2020, the MND recom-
mended requirements revision and identified various potential risks that may occur
during projects at an early stage. Moreover, the relevant procedures were improved
to ref ect the results of the necessary follow-up measures after requirement reviews
into the mid-term defense plan starting from 2019.
The MND also conducted 572 analysis and evaluations between 2019 and 2020 Chapter 4
to support rational decision making for promoting projects. The improvement
requirements derived from the analysis and evaluation of the MND led to actual
system improvement such as introduction of the field operation test system,
contributing to the implementation of efficient defense improvement projects. In
2019 in particular, efforts were made to achieve jointness, such as supporting the
budget for research on analysis tasks required by the JCS.
Execution of Tests and Tests and evaluations are conducted to determine
Evaluations whether a weapons system or a core technology that
is due to be acquired through purchase or R&D
meets the military̓s performance standards and criteria.
From 2019 to 2020, the MND has conducted tests and evaluations for a total of
181 projects, since taking over the responsibility of testing and evaluating from the
DAPA in 2014.
To eliminate redundancy of tests and evaluations performed between the MND
and the JCS, the MND plans to transfer the authority of devising and determining
test and evaluation plans to the JCS and promote the signing of the Test and
Evaluation Program (TEP) for cooperation in tests and evaluations and mutual
use of test facilities between the ROK and the US By doing so, the MND expects to
streamline test and evaluation processes, develop test and evaluation technologies, 16)
Test and Evaluation
and overcome the limitations of domestic tests and evaluations. Program
Chapter 4. Building an Innovative Force by Promoting Strong Defense Reform