Page 134 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 134

Furthermore, the MND will acquire UAV for reconnaissance, thermal observation
                            devices (TOD-III), and multi-functional observation devices to improve battlefield
                            visualization and day and night surveillance capabilities of each unit.
                             For command and control (C2) and communication forces, the MND will ensure
                            theater and joint command and control capabilities through improving the C4I 11)
                            systems of the joint forces and each service while facilitating the battlef eld situation
                            awareness down to the tactical units by establishing a C4I system for battalions and
                            below. Also, the MND will continue to secure high-speed, high-volume information
                            distribution capabilities and enhance interoperability during combined and joint
                            operations through upgrading joint tactical data links, air-to-ground communications
                            radios, and Link-16 .
                             For the ground forces, the MND will strive for an early expansion of highly
                            powerful and ultra-precision ground-to-ground missile forces and counterfire
                            warfare capabilities and will reinforce armored and mechanized warfare and aviation
                            forces for conducting high-speed, deep maneuver warfare in preparation for North
                            Korean threats of nuclear weapons, missiles, and long-range artillery. Furthermore,
                            ground and air maneuverability will be reinforced to improve rapid response and
                            decisive operational execution, and the MND will establish a manned and unmanned

                            hybrid combat system to ensure the survival of combatants.
                             For the naval forces, the MND will acquire destroyers (KDX-III), frigates
                            (FFX), submarines (KSS-III), maritime patrol aircraft-II, and maritime operations
                            helicopters to prepare for potential threats from North Korea and maintain maritime
                            dominance around the Korean Peninsula, further enhancing the MND’s ability to
                            protect maritime rights and interests.
                             For the air forces, the MND will establish covert penetration and long-range
                            precision strike capabilities to be able to take the initiative in deterring and
                            responding to omnidirectional threats. To achieve air superiority in the operation
                            area, the MND will also continue to acquire next-generation f ghters (F -II), ROK’s
                            indigenous f ghters (KF- ), KF-16 upgrade, large transport aircraft, and all-weather
                            precision guided weapons.
        11)                  For the defense forces, the MND will acquire multi-layered defense capabilities
        Command, Control,
        Communication, and   such as ballistic and aircraft defense capabilities and long-range artillery interception
        Computer Intelligence
                            capabilities, and gradually improve its Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) and CBRN
        Digital tactical data links   protection capabilities. Moreover, protective capabilities of individuals, facilities,
        used between the ROK and
        US Combined Forces  and equipment will be reinforced to ensure survivability in the early stage of war.

               2020 Defense White Paper
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