Page 130 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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gencies that are tantamount to the former. They conduct mobilization training and
prepare for regional defense and disasters during peacetime, and conduct missions
such as expansion and activation of active duty units, replenishment of troops, and
civilian–government–military integrated defense operations during contingencies
such as wartime. In accordance with the Reserve Forces Act and the Military
Personnel Management Act, reserve officers serve in the reserve forces until the
retirement age of each active duty rank, with servicemembers serving in the reserve
forces for eight years after discharge. As of December 2020, the size of the reserve
force is roughly 2.75 million, of which roughly 6,000 are female reserve forces and
special reserve forces organized as volunteer reservists . Reserve forces consist of
3,194 regional reserve units established in administrative districts and 823 workplace
reserve units installed in the workplaces. Reserve forces are managed and operated
by each delegated military unit. To reinforce the role of reserve forces in the event of
natural and social disasters such as COVID-19, the MND has pushed ahead with
system improvements such as the revision of the Directive on National Defense
Mobilization Service.
Developing the Reserve Forces The MND plans to manage training sites,
Training System improve efficiency in managing budgets,
and improve the capabilities of the reserve
forces in executing their missions through realistic training. Accordingly, 208
reserve forces training centers scattered across the country will be integrated into 40
scientific reserve forces training centers by 2024. The scientific reserve forces
training center includes urban combat training centers where squad-level training is
possible by utilizing a video simulation shooting range capable of zeroing,
qualification and squad combat shooting, as well as an automated indoor shooting
range to prevent noise in the vicinity and several battle training equipment. 6)
Improvements are also being made in training performance through a smart reserve
5) forces training management system,
Those selected among
ROK citizens aged 18 years which manages the entire training
or older who volunteered courses in real time from admission
to the reserve forces in
accordance with Article 3 and training evaluation to discharge.
of the Reserve Forces Act.
As of 2020, a total of 12 scientific
All of the two-way battle reserve forces training centers have
training equipment
consisting of laser firearms, been built and an additional system of
detectors, training control
and analysis system, virtual reality (VR)-based video
electronic display board,
etc. simulation system has been adopted. Virtual reality (VR) simulated shooting
2020 Defense White Paper