Page 129 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 129
was reduced by 46 after the adjustment plan came into force; the final goal is
expected to be achieved by 2022.
3. Priming the Reserve Forces into an Elite Force
Establishing Mobilization In order to secure deterrence capabilities and
Readiness Posture strengthen war sustainability, the MND continues
to develop the defense mobilization system to
support military operations by efficiently mobilizing all human and material
resources available during wartime or national emergencies. Chapter 4
In terms of troop mobilization, the MND is organizing and managing reserve
forces based on a focus strategy that maintains the overall size of reserve forces
but adjusts the number of trainees per year, considering the changes in the defense
environment, such as the restructuring of the military and the decline in reserve
resources. The efficiency of resource management is also being enhanced under
the cooperation with the Military Manpower Administration (MMA), including
improvements in the mobilization designation method, such as designating
outstanding resources mostly from major combat units at the beginning of war.
To enhance the eff cacy of the mobilization execution plan, the MND is considering
the wartime mobilization capabilities, such as the availability of resources and the
production capacity of companies, from the initial stage of each service filing its
requirements. The MND is optimizing the mobilization requirements by verifying
the submitted requirements through a joint requirements review with relevant
ministries. Reserve forces
In particular, the mission execution system of the ROK Army’s Mobilization protecting the
security of the ROK
Force Command, which was activated in 2018, is making contributions to exercising
combat power at the level of standing forces. Force enhancement requirements of 3)
It refers to the mobilization
mobilization-oriented units are incorporated in the defense planning documents 4) division, mobilization
support group (mobilization
and the budget for combat-critical materials is being obtained so that these units can supplement battalion),
perform their missions immediately during contingencies. In addition, the mission and mobilization resource
convoy group, which
execution capabilities of the mobilization force are being reinforced through the are subordinate units of
the Mobilization Force
designation of mobilization centered on elite resources, part-time service system of Command with peacetime
organization rate of less
reserve off cers, and more realistic training. than 10%.
The Joint Military Strategy
Reserve Forces Organization Reserve forces are organized and managed (JMS) and the Joint
Strategic Objective Plan
and Resource Management to prepare for wartime and national emer- (JSOP)
Chapter 4. Building an Innovative Force by Promoting Strong Defense Reform