Page 145 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 145
Fixed dehumidifier Power ventilator
Access control
Control Room
Automatic control panel
(Installed with
temperature and
humidity display window)
Temperature and humidity display board
Equipment maintenance using AR Smart Magazine (igloo type)
data collected by attaching sensors to major equipment of the Army, Navy, and Air
Force and a remote maintenance support system is being promoted using VR and Chapter 4
AR to provide quick support to marine vessels and remote units that are experiencing
diff culty in dispatching specialized maintenance units.
The MND will build a foundation to apply the status-based maintenance system
from the weapon acquisition stage, and enhance the functions of smart factories in
the field of military maintenance by expanding the units and equipment subject to
the remote maintenance system.
When it comes to ammunition management, the MND is establishing a smart
ammunition storage that automatically controls the temperature and humidity
in the ammunition storage and monitors fire using IoT to ensure ammunition
performance and safety. A guided munition life cycle management system is also
being created based on big data to improve the accuracy in predicting the demand
for guided munitions. To this end, the MND is establishing standards for applying
smart ammunition storages for ammunition type and is building 7 smart ammunition
storages as a pilot project. It is also promoting the computerization of guided
munition data in the integrated defense logistics information system.
In the future, after analyzing the storage management performance of smart 25)
Ammunition that enables
ammunition storages, the MND plans to supplement the def ciencies and expand the remote automatic control
from the Central Control
smart ammunition storage initiative to the entire military starting in 2025. The MND Room by installing
biometric access control
will continue to improve the accuracy in predicting demands and the operation sensors, automatic CCTVs
rate of guided munitions by developing a demand prediction model for each guided and surveillance sensors,
temperature and humidity
munition. automation facilities, fire
monitoring sensors, etc
In the field of military supply management, big data is utilized to predict and
calculate the appropriate life cycle for timely replacement. The MND seeks to reduce Technology that
connects various
manpower and streamline logistics operations for efficiency through automated objects to the Internet by
embedding sensors and
loading and unloading, screening, and packaging tasks by establishing a smart communication functions
and through wireless
logistics center that apply robots and automated devices. Currently, the MND has communication
Chapter 4. Building an Innovative Force by Promoting Strong Defense Reform