Page 45 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 45


                           Key Denuclearization Agreements Regarding
                                     the North Korean Nuclear Issue

                          Agreement                        Major Details (summary)
                                      •  Agreed to cooperate in replacing graphite-moderated reactors with light-water reactors
                        ˝ Geneva Agreed   •  Agreed to work toward the complete normalization of political and economic relationship between
                          Framework    North Korea and United States
                       (October 21, 1994)  •  Agreed to cooperate for peace and security on the denuclearized Korean Peninsula
                                      •  Agreed to cooperate for the consolidation of the nuclear non-proliferation regime

                                      •  Reaffirmed verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
                      ˞ September 19 Joint   •  Pledged to promote economic cooperation in energy, trading, and investment
                          Statement   •  Pledged to take joint efforts for permanent peace and stability in Northeast Asia
                      (September 19, 2005)  •  Agreed on phased implementation of the agreement

                                      •  Agreed on the closure and sealing of nuclear facilities in North Korea, return of IAEA inspectors to
                                       North Korea, and preparation of a list of all nuclear programs
                     ˟ February 13 Agreement •  Began bilateral talks for the normalization of US-North Korea and North Korea–Japan relationships
                       (February 13, 2007)  •  Agreed to provide economic, energy, and humanitarian aid to North Korea
                                      •  Agreed to convene a separate forum with directly concerned parties to negotiate a peace regime
                                       for the Korean Peninsula
                                      •  Agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities and to declare all nuclear programs in a complete,
                                       accurate manner
                      ˠ October 3 Agreement  •  Reaffirmed North Korea’s pledge not to transfer nuclear materials, technologies, or knowledge
                        (October 3, 2007)
                                      •  Agreed to provide economic, energy, and humanitarian aid to North Korea corresponding to 1
                                       million tons of heavy fuel oil
                                      •  North Korea agreed to take preliminary measures for denuclearization
                                      •  The United States agreed to provide 240,000 tons of nutrition aid
                     ˡ February 29 Agreement
                       (February 29, 2012)  •  The United States confirmed that it does not have any hostile intention toward North Korea
                                      •  Agreed to improve US-North Korea relations and expand civilian exchanges in culture, education,
                                       and sports
                                      •  Mutual prosperity and self-reliant unification
                     ˢ Panmunjom Declaration •  Mitigation of military tension
                        (April 27, 2018)  •  Establishment of a permanent, stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula
                                      •  Achieve a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete denuclearization

                                      •  Agreed to establish a new US-North Korea relationship
                      ˣ US-North Korea Joint   •  Agreed to make joint efforts to build a permanent, stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula
                          Statement   •  North Korea reaffirmed the Panmunjom Declaration and agreed to make efforts for the complete
                        (June 12, 2018)  denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
                                      •  Agreed to recover the remains of POWs and MIAs and repatriate the identified remains
                                      •  Agreed to cease military hostility and expand exchanges and cooperation
                       ˤ Pyongyang Joint
                          Declaration  •  Agreed to dismantle the Dongchang-ri missile engine test site and launch platform
                      (September 19, 2018)  •  Agreed to dismantle the nuclear facilities in Yongbyon as the United States takes reciprocal

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