Page 43 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 43


                                  Comparing the Economic Indicators
                                              of the Two Koreas

                                             South Korea        North Korea   South Korea / North Korea
                                           2018      2019     2018      2019     2018     2019
                      Nominal GNI (KRW trillion)  1,905.8  1,935.7  35.9  35.6  53.1 times  54.4 times
                      Per-Capita GNI (KRW 10,000)  3,693.0  3,743.5  142.8  140.8  25.9 times  26.6 times
                      Economic Growth Rate (%)  2.9     2.0      -4.1      0.4        -        -
                      Trade Volume (USD billion)  1,140.06  1,045.58  2.84  3.24  400.9 times  322.2 times
                      Population (thousand)  51,607   51,709   25,132    25,250  2.1 times  2.0 times

                     *  Source: Bank of Korea
                     *  Gross National Income (GNI):  Since 1993, major countries and international organizations, such as the UN and IMF, have replaced GNP with GNI

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