Page 91 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 91

Troops deployed to a forest fire in Goseong,   Cheonghaejin Ferry lifting the fuselage of a firefighting   Chapter 3
               Gangwon (April 2019)              helicopter that crashed near the Dokdo Island
                                                 (November 2019)

               solidifying the people’s trust in the military.
                 During the spread of ASF in China, Mongolia, Vietnam, and etc in August 2018,
               the ROK government strengthened its response to block the inflow, but on September
               16, 2019, the first case of ASF was confirmed in the ROK at a pig farm in Paju,
               Gyeonggi-do. Accordingly, the ROK Armed Forces, in cooperation with related
               agencies and local governments, have greatly contributed to the prevention and
               blocking of the spread of ASF in the border areas  by supporting the capture of wild
               boars and search of carcasses, disinfection efforts at farm posts and mobile control
               posts, and aerial disinfection activities.
                 The longest rainy season (54 days), which occurred from June to August in 2020,
               and typhoons  that passed by the Korean Peninsula three times in a row after
               the rainy season caused massive damage  to the people and properties across the
               country. With 31 cities (si), counties (gun), and districts (gu) declared as special

               disaster zones, the MND dispatched military cooperative officers to 66 provincial
               offices, cities, and counties to check the need for recovery support for preemptive
               recovery. For five cities and counties (Jecheon and Chungju of Chungcheongbuk-
               do, Icheon of Gyeonggi-do, Namwon and Gurye of Jeollanam-do) where the demand
               exceeded the support capacities of                                    As of November 30, 2020,
                                                                                     the ROK Armed Forces
               regional defense divisions, the MND                                   deployed 166,236 troops
               deployed available units including                                    and 12,734 pieces of
                                                                                     equipment to block and
               seven Special Warfare Command units                                   prevent the spread of ASF.
               and the 1st Marine Division for early                                 29)
                                                                                     No. 8 Typhoon Bavi
               damage recovery. In particular, military                              (August 26), No. 9 Typhoon
                                                                                     Maysak (September 3),
               bridge equipment (Medium Girder                                       No. 10 Typhoon Haishen
                                                                                     (September 7)
               Bridge) was installed for the residents
               to use in place of the damaged bridge                                 Casualties: 53 (50 deaths,
                                                 Cheonma unit under the ROK Army Special Warfare   3 missing), Property
               in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do and around   Command                          damage: KRW 1.26 trillion

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