Page 87 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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defense guidelines related to the protection of important national facilities, and these
               measures are currently being applied and implemented in the field.

               Support for Major    In preparation for major international events hosted by the
               National Events      government, the ROK Armed Forces made improvements
                                    in their counterterrorism activities and safety measures
               by deploying more than 20,300 service members and 1,307 types of equipment.
               This resulted in a series of successful events in 2019, including the World Aquatics    Chapter 3
               Championships in Gwangju, the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit in Busan,
               the Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD), the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense
               Exhibition (ADEX), the International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition
               (MADEX), as well as the Defense & Security Expo Korea (DX-Korea) in 2020.

               Counterterrorism training during the Gwangju World   Comprehensive national counterterrorism training
               Aquatics Championships (June 2019)  (November 2020)

               Establishing a Counterterrorism   The ROK Armed Forces is maintaining
               Cooperation System at           a solid pangovernment response system
               Home and Abroad                 against domestic terrorism threats. By

                                               participating in a comprehensive national
               antiterrorism training conducted by the NCTC in November 2020, the ROK
               Armed Forces established a system for sharing information and disseminating the
               situation among related agencies, and at the same time, enhanced the capability of
               government–military–police integrated response to complex terrorism threats. In
               order to effectively respond to international terrorism threats, the ROK is striving to
               strengthen its counterterrorism capabilities by establishing an information sharing
               and cooperation system through international counterterrorism cooperation, and
               to achieve this, the MND participates in ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group on
               Counter Terrorism and combined terrorism response trainings.
                 The ROK Armed Forces will strive to enhance their civilian–government–

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