Page 86 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 86

as the Military Counterterrorism Information Council and the Military Terrorism
                            Investigation Headquarters were designated, thereby supplementing the ROK
                            Armed Forces’ missions and roles. In addition, the "military working-level crisis
                            response manual for terrorism" and the "integrated operations manual" have been
                            refined to determine at an early stage suspicions or possibilities of terrorism, and a
                            system has been established that enables the military, police, and fire department to
                            jointly respond in an integrated manner when conducting initial on-site actions.

                            Reinforcement of Professional   The ROK Armed Forces has reinforced the
                            Competencies in Military       formation of military counterterrorism op-
                            Counterterrorism Operations    erations units such as the 707th Special
                                                           Mission Group and established the "stan-
                            dards for deploying counterterrorism equipment and materials" which can be
                            commonly applied for each type of counterterrorism operation. Based on this, the
                            "comprehensive development plan for counterterrorism equipment and materials"
                            was devised and is being systematically implemented to provide the units with
                            professional competencies.
                             Considering the fact that most of the state-designated counterterrorism op-
                            erations units are concentrated in the capital area and the western region, more
                            "counterterrorism special mission units" and "anti-CBRN terrorism special
                            mission units" were additional designated by region thereby establishing a rapid
                            counterterrorism operations system that can carry out counterterrorism operations
                            within the golden hour.

                            Promoting Comprehensive     As seen in the drone attacks on Saudi Arabian
                            Countermeasures Against     oil facilities and unidentified drones flying
                            Drone Terrorism             over Hanbit and Kori nuclear power plants,

                                                        drone terrorism on key national infrastructure
                            has become a realistic threat not only on foreign soil but also on the Korean
                            Peninsula. Accordingly, the ROK government is pursuing a government-wide
                            "comprehensive countermeasures plan against drone terrorism" led by the National
                            Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC). In preparation for the threat of drone terrorism,
                            the MND provided military aircraft radars to six nuclear power plants and oil
                            reserve bases, and is conducting R&D activities through the Agency for Defense
                            Development to secure anti-drone capabilities such as anti-aircraft laser weapons.
                            In addition, measures to counter drone attacks were improved by supplementing
                            the military working-level crisis response manual for terrorism and the integrated

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