Page 96 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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governance and the basic directions
                            for national space development. The
                            revised Basic Plan provides the basis
                            for the development of military re-
                            connaissance satellites and space
                            threat surveillance systems. In the fo-
                            llowing year, the "Basic Plan for the
                            Development of Defense Space power"   Establishment ceremony of the ROK Air Force
                                                              Satellite Surveillance Control Unit (September 2019)
                            was revised, reflecting the changes
                            in the space security environment. In accordance with the mid- to long-term
                            development goals for defense space power, the revised plan presents four key areas–
                            establishment of a policy framework, development of an operating system, buildup
                            of space capabilities, and expansion of internal and external cooperation–and
                            detailed implementation tasks for each field.
                             To establish a policy framework for the development of defense space power, the
                            MND has legislated and revised the relevant laws and is carrying out R&D activities
                            for space technology. While bolstering the organizations in charge of space-related
                            affairs at the JCS and each service branch, the MND is fostering space specialists by
                            offering educational opportunities at home and abroad. With an aim to secure space
                            surveillance capabilities over the Korean Peninsula, the MND launched the ROK Air
                            Force Satellite Surveillance Control Unit–the ROK’s first space unit–in 2019. The
                            unit was renamed as the "ROK Air Force Space Operations Unit" the following year.
                            Also in 2020, the ROK’s indigenous military communications satellite was launched,

                            making the ROK the 10th country in the world to acquire a military satellite. The
                            MND plans to continue to acquire various space assets such as surveillance and
                            reconnaissance satellites and early warning satellites in order to fully strengthen
                            its space capabilities. Efforts will be made to strengthen civilian-military space
                            technology cooperation for the development of defense space power and to further
                            expand cooperation with friendly nations including the United States and France in
                            the space domain.
                             Moreover, the MND will endeavor to enhance its defense space power while
                            maintaining a close cooperation system with related ministries and agencies
                            considering the changes in the space security environment.

                            Development of Defense Space Power    Based on the ROK–US alliance,
                            Based on the ROK-US Alliance          the ROK and the US are exploring
        Launch of
        ANASIS-II                                                 various areas of cooperation in the

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