Page 95 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 95

Combined exercise of ADMM-Plus EWG on HADR   5th Session of RCG on Humanitarian Civil–Military   Chapter 3
               (July 2019)                       Coordination for Asia and the Pacific (December 2019)

               Group (RCG) on Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the
               Pacific–to provide prompt, efficient humanitarian assistance and to solidify the
               international cooperation system for disaster relief in the event of various types
               of disasters. Following the earthquake and tsunami in Sumatra, Indonesia, the
               combined exercise of the ADMM-Plus EWG on HA/DR  was held in Malaysia
               in July to discuss the following procedures in the event of a disaster: dispatching
               disaster relief troops, obtaining related information before and after the dispatch,
               and conducting cooperation measures. The participating countries also carried out
               discussion on ways to cooperate with international organizations.
                 Furthermore, the MND participated in the 5th Session of the RCG on Humani-  31)
                                                                                     ADMM-Plus Experts’
               tarian Civil-Military Coordination for Asia and the Pacific  for the first time to   Working Group on
                                                                                     Humanitarian Assistance
               solidify the overseas disaster relief system through in-depth discussions on various   and Disaster Relief
               topics such as information sharing between humanitarian assistance and disaster   32)
                                                                                     A meeting held for the
               relief operations and development plans for civilian–military cooperation systems   purpose of discussing
                                                                                     current issues throughout
               related to logistics support.                                         disaster response,
                                                                                     including humanitarian
                                                                                     civil-military cooperation
                                                                                     in the Asia-Pacific region
                                                                                     and use of foreign military
                                                                                     assets. The 5th session
               5. Development of Defense Space Power                                 took place in Chiang Mai,

               Strengthening the Foundation    While complying with international    33)
                                                                                     In 1967, the UN led the
               for the Development of          norms on the peaceful use of space , the    signing of the "Treaty on
                                                                                     Principles Governing the
               Defense Space Power             MND is making various efforts such as   Activities of States in the
                                                                                     Exploration and Use of
                                               supplementing laws and systems and    Outer Space, including
                                                                                     the Moon and Other
               reinforcing organi-zations and human resources to develop the defense space power   Celestial Bodies (Outer
                                                                                     Space Treaty)". The Outer
               of the ROK Armed Forces.                                              Space Treaty prohibits
                                                                                     the arrangement of
                 In 2018, the MND participated in the revision of the "Basic Plan for the Pro-  surrounding tracks around
                                                                                     the Earth with any kind of
               motion of Space Development", which establishes the mid- to long-term goals of   WMD.

                            Chapter 3.  Safeguarding Peace by Establishing a Robust Defense Posture Against Omnidirectional Security Threats   93
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