Page 98 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 98
[ Chart 3-11 ] An Overview of Courses Offered by the Educational Institutions of the Three Branches and Units
Directly Controlled by the MND and Joint Units
As of December 2018, Unit: Number of courses
Units Directly
Marine Controlled by
Category Total Army Navy Air Force
Corps the MND and
Joint Units
40 20 9 6 4 1
1,922 704 690 335 18 175
| Improving Education Systems at Military Academies | To foster creative and proactive
elite off icers, the education systems at military academies have been enhanced. To ensure cadets’
autonomy, military academies have created an environment for self-directed learning and
strengthened “participation-based education” that involves projects, as well as classes, that focus
on discussion and presentation led by cadets. Moreover, to ensure realistic military training that
reflects battlefield demands, military academies have established cadet training objectives linked
to the officer basic course program and conducted training tailored to those objectives.
Since 2012, the MND has conducted an integrated military academy education program
through which cadets can learn about other service branches aside from their own and recognize
the importance of joint operations. In 2018, in particular, the MND enhanced the program
by intensively incorporating f ield trips and experiential learning activities considering the
characteristics of each branch. The first-year cadets learned about the Army by experiencing
scientif ic combat training as well as through daytime and nighttime guard duties at GOP units.
The second-year cadets boarded naval vessels for the first time and visited Russia, Japan, and
major domestic islands. During the trips, they experienced
various kinds of maritime training and life aboard naval
vessels, learning the roles and missions of the Navy and
the importance of protecting territorial waters. The cadets
also learned security situations in Northeast Asia and
formed a sound perspective toward their nation. For third-
Army, Navy, and Air Force cadets
year cadets, the Air Force Academy plans to organize experiencing GOP guard duties
(January 2018)
field trips to Air Force operations units and specialized
96 Chapter 3 Establishing a Robust Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security Threats