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University (JFMU) launched the pilot operation of seven courses including operational

           procedures and maritime strategies. The number of open online courses offered by various
           institutions grew to 17 in 2016 and 35 in 2017. As of 2018, 16 institutions, including the JFMU,
           Korea Armed Forces Nursing Academy (KAFNA), Defense Agency for Spiritual and Mental

           Force Enhancement, and Army Infantry School, offered a total of 47 courses. The MND will
           continue to expand the online education program so that all servicemembers can receive the
           necessary military education anytime, anywhere.

           |  Improving the New Enlistee Training System  |    The MND is enhancing the training
           system for newly enlisted soldiers in line with the reduction of the service period, which is one of

           the “Defense Reform 2.0” initiatives. It expects to secure the maximum amount of time to utilize
           enlistees by conducting the basic military training and military occupation training required
           for executions of basic missions within the shortest possible period and deploying them in field
           operations as early as possible.

             For basic military training, subjects that are necessary and fit for the characteristics of each
           branch will be set up, and the duration of training will be adjusted. For military occupation

           training, with the consideration of each military occupation’s characteristics, including its
           missions and roles, the subjects required for field operations will be intensively covered and
           expanded, while those deemed unnecessary will be abolished or given less emphasis.

           |  Restructuring of the Korea National Defense University and the Joint Forces Military
           University  |    As part of the implementation of Defense Reform 2.0, the MND plans to
           restructure military educational institutions, including the Korea National Defense University

           (KNDU) and Joint Forces Military University (JFMU), to enhance the eff iciency in their
           operations and expand the utilization of the civilian workforce in noncombat f ields. To boost
           the operational eff iciency of the organizations, academic and educational institutions in the

           f ield of defense policy will be integrated into the KNDU. The MND is also reviewing a plan to
           restructure the JFMU toward a direction that strengthens joint education and maximizes the
           outcome of each branch’s education at the same time. Meanwhile, civilian military employees

           will replace military personnel in active duty positions at the KNDU, including the position
           of president, which is served by an active-duty general. The MND will also identify, among
           the jobs carried out by active-duty servicemembers, the areas where civilian workforce can be

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