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utilization” system. The acquisition of superior workforce and the utilization of experienced

           workforce will help boost the military off icers’ morale and contribute to the enhancement of
           their combat power.
             Additional efforts to acquire outstanding workforce include the short-term service grant to

           better compensate off icers and NCOs intending to serve a short term. The MND also seeks
           to increase the number of recipients of the grant for additional military service. 34)  The grant is
           given in the form of tuitions to outstanding university and vocational college students hoping

           to serve for a medium term so that they have the opportunity to receive higher education in
           connection with military service as an off icer. With these measures, the ROK Armed Forces
           is preparing for the situation where the conditions of workforce acquisition are increasingly

           tough and, therefore, expect to gain stable access to outstanding medium- and long-term service
             For the utilization of outstanding female workforce in the military, the hiring of female
           servicemembers has been expanding. The MND plans to raise the level of female servicemembers

           in the military from 5.5% in 2016 to 8.8% in 2022, and the level of female second lieutenants
           and staff sergeants in the junior officer recruitment from 6.5% in 2016 to 13.3% in 2022. As

           the number of women in uniform increases, substitute workforce for parental leave will be
           secured, and the personnel management and working conditions of female servicemembers will
           be improved so that they can fully perform their capabilities and the military can better utilize

           |  Fostering Creative Military Specialists  |    The MND is f lexibly fostering a creative military
           specialist capable of responding to drastic changes in future battlef ield environments, such as

           changes brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and leading innovations in the defense
           field. The development of military specialists is systematically managed in two separate
           programs—specialized degree education and overseas military education.

             Specialized degree education is aimed at fostering military professors, researchers, and experts
           in special technology f ields. Outstanding domestic and international educational institutions

           34)  A grant given to university and technical college students under the condition that they serve an additional
               period, in addition to their mandatory service period, when appointed as officers or NCOs. The amount of the
               grant is similar to college and university tuitions.

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