Page 91 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 91

Section 5       Establishing an Integrated


                               Police Defense Posture

               To effectively respond to a variety of security threats that are continuing to grow, the ROK Armed Forces
               continues to enhance an integrated civilian-government-military-police defense posture by organically
               integrating all national defense elements and building a cooperative system with relevant agencies and
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               municipal governments.

               1. Operation of Integrated Defense Organizations

                 To f irmly establish an integrated defense posture, the ROK government operates integrated
               defense organizations including the Central Integrated Defense Committee, Integrated Defense
               Headquarters, Regional Integrated Defense Committees, and Integrated Defense Support
               Headquarters. The integrated defense command and cooperation structure is shown in [Chart


               [ Chart 3-10 ]  Integrated Defense Command and Cooperation System
                                                                                        Command (Control)
                Integrated Defense                 Central Integrated
                  Headquarters                    Defense Committee

                                 Ministry of National  Ministry of the Interior  Ministry of Oceans  Other Government
                                     Defense         and Safety       and Fisheries     Ministries

                                 Joint Chiefs of Staff
                                                    Korean National
                                (Integrated Defense Headquarters’  Police Agency  Korea Coast Guard
                                  Working Organization)
                                                     !" #$ %&'()*+#+,-./0% 123#.+-4)-#% 5,44.-*
                Regional Integrated  Local Military  Local Police   Local Coast Guards
                Defense Committee   Commands          Agencies

                           Section 5  Establishing an Integrated Civilian–Government–Military–Police Defense Posture     89
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