Page 89 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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2. Overseas Disaster Relief Support System and International

               |  Broadening Overseas Disaster Relief Support and Cooperation  |    In a series of large

               disasters that have recently struck several countries, the damage recovery and relief efforts by
               the affected countries alone have proven to be insufficient. They require a joint humanitarian
               response by the international community.

                 In response to such needs, the ROK government enacted the “Overseas Emergency Relief
               Act” in 2007, and deployed the “Korea Disaster Relief Team” to countries and regions hit
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               by major disasters to put humanitarian values and love for humanity into concrete actions as

               a responsible member of the international community. The overseas disaster relief assistance
               provided by the ROK Armed Forces in the past 10 years is summarized in [Chart 3-9].

               [ Chart 3-9 ]  Overseas Disaster Relief Support in the Past 10 Years

                   Date                                         Details of Support
                             (Type of Disaster)
                                                   3 transport aircraft (C-130), 26.6t of relief supplies including
                 May 2008    China (earthquake)
                                               military tents
                 November                          1 transport aircraft (C-130), 7t of relief supplies including daily
                            Cambodia (typhoon)
                   2009                        necessities
                January 2010  Haiti (earthquake)       1 Air Force rescuer (medical support)
                 March 2010  Chile (earthquake)       136 military tents
                              Eastern Japan
                                                   10 transport aircraft (C-130) (4 sorties), 58.8t of relief supplies;
                 March 2011   (earthquake and
                                               transported 102 rescue personnel
                October 2011  Turkey (earthquake)       100 military tents
                 November                          9 transport aircraft (C-130) (4 sorties), 329t of relief supplies;
                            Philippines (typhoon)
                   2013                        transported 2,022 personnel including a rescue team
                                                   2 transport aircraft (C-130), relief supplies worth USD 110,000
                 April 2016  Prefecture, Japan
                                               (tents, blankets, instant rice, and drinking water)
                                                 5 transport aircraft (C-130) (3 sorties), 23t of relief supplies;

                 July 2018  Laos (dam collapse)
                                               transported 20 medical personnel
                                Indonesia          3 transport aircraft (C-130) (between October 8 and November
                October 2018
                               (earthquake)    30), 170 tents; transported 456t of international relief supplies
                                                   1 transport aircraft (C-130); provided transportation to 799 ROK
                October 2018  Saipan (typhoon)
                                               citizens marooned in disaster-struck areas

                    Section 4  Building a Proactive and Comprehensive Support System to Overcome National Disasters     87
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