Page 103 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Training Center(KCTC), the training f ield was expanded, and a training system was established

               to enable regimental combat teams’ training involving artillery, tanks, and helicopters starting
               in 2018. This helped the expansion of scientific combat training.
                 Simulator training, which involves f iring, controlling, and tactical simulation in a virtual

               battlement environment, improves the capabilities to respond to unforeseen events that may
               occur in actual combat situations. The Battle Command Training Program (BCTP), which uses
               computer simulation techniques, is designed to cultivate the combat command capability of

               commanding of f icers and staff members. The BCTP has helped improve the troop-leading
               procedures of units at all levels and the ability to employ integrated combat capabilities. The
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               Army plans to set up the Live Virtual Constructive Gaming (LVCG) scientif ic training system

               that links actual training situations in real areas (live), simulator training (virtual), BCTP using
               computer simulation techniques (constructive), and war-gaming (gaming).
                 In addition, the Army conducts various types of combined trainings, ranging from special
               operations, unconventional warfare, and air inf i ltration to WMD removal operations, combined

               arms exercises, air assault, and high-altitude low-opening training. The number of countries the
               Army conducts combined trainings with is also growing. The combined trainings carried out by

               the Army in the past two years are summarized in [Chart 3-12].

               [ Chart 3-12 ]  The Army’s Combined Exercises and Training during the Past Two Years
                                                                                            Unit: Time
                                               Domestic                       Overseas
                   Year      Total
                                      Subtotal  ROK–U.S.  Multilateral  Subtotal  ROK–U.S.  Multilateral
                   2017       44        42        42         -         2          -         2
                   2018       33        31        31         -         2          -         2

                 The Navy carries out cooperative and joint training, combined training, and cruise training
               based on commanding off icer–centered tailored education to conduct realistic maritime training

               adapted to the respective battlef ield environments of the East Sea, West Sea, and South Sea.
                 The joint forces of ground, naval, and air forces participate in cooperative and joint training
               that consists of training for various types of operations including anti-surface, anti-submarine,

               and anti-air operations. Other types of cooperative and joint training include maneuvers,
               northwest island defense, maritime interdiction, and joint response training against local
               provocations near the NLL. During these training sessions, the Navy verif ies the performance

                                   Section 6  Strengthening Education and Training Focused on Combat Missions     101
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