Page 108 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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and exercises by the Marine Corps during the past two years are summarized in [Chart 3-15].

           [ Chart 3-15 ]  The Marine Corps’ Combined Exercises and Training during the Past Two Years
                                                                                        Unit: Time
                                            Domestic                      Overseas
               Year      Total
                                  Subtotal  ROK–U.S.  Multilateral  Subtotal  ROK–U.S.  Multilateral
               2017       19        18        18         -         1          -         1
               2018       15        12        12         -         3          -         3

             The tactical training of different echelons is aimed at attaining the completeness in the execution
           of operations to lead and manage isolated battlef ields. The Marine Corps is actively carrying

           out tactical training linked to unit-specif ic airborne training, amphibious raid training, and
           guerrilla training. In addition, the Marine Corps is enhancing realistic training into engagement
           training that utilizes scientif ic training while conducting amphibious operation passing exercises
           at battalion- or lower-level and regular amphibious ship loading training.

           |  Joint 42)  Exercises 43)  and Training 44)   |    With the consideration of the rapidly changing

           security situations, the ROK Armed Forces has been reinforcing joint exercises and training to
           enhance joint operational capabilities and maintain a f irm military readiness posture.
             The Taegeuk Exercise is an annual command post exercise led by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to
           enhance wartime and peacetime operational capabilities and command capabilities. After the

           peacetime OPCON transfer, the Joint Chiefs of Staf f in 1995 began the Taegeuk Exercise to
           strengthen operational capabilities. With the participation of operations commands (corps-level)
           since 1999, the Taegeuk Exercise has grown into a theater-level joint command post exercise.

           Since 2005, the ROK Armed Forces has utilized the Taegeuk Joint Operation Simulation (JOS)
           model—a theater-level joint operation simulation model developed by the JCS—that helped

           42)  Activities, operations, and organizations involving more than one branch of a country’s
               armed forces for a common goal
           43)  Exercise aimed at improving proficiency with operational plan execution procedures, and
               conducted as close as possible to the real combat considering the operational plans,
               doctrines, and battlefield environments
                                                                                    2017 Marine Corps
           44)  Practical activities carried out by individuals and units to learn military knowledge and   Cobra Gold
                                                                                  (Combined Amphibious
               combat skills through action to effectively execute their assigned missions  Operation) Exercise

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