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substantively improve the outcomes of exercises.

                 The Hoguk Training is a military-wide field training exercise annually carried out under
               the command of the JCS to equip each echelon with capabilities to execute operation plans.
               Starting in 2015, the Hoguk Training has been linked with the Hwarang and other similar

               training programs, with the East Sea and West Sea exercises becoming integrated, to enhance the
               eff iciency of training and strengthen its jointness. To improve the outcomes of joint operations,
               the ROK Armed Forces continues to enhance the Hoguk Training considering the operational

               environments, training conditions, and change in unit structures.
                 The Hwarang Training is a rear-area training participated by all operational elements of
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               the civilian, government, military, and police forces, and conducted under the supervision of

               the Integrated Defense Headquarters. The goal of this training is to achieve prof iciency with
               the implementation and support procedures for wartime and peacetime integrated defense
               operational plans as well as firmly establish the integrated civilian–government–military–police
               defense posture. The training is also aimed at instilling security awareness in residents and

               promoting a shared understanding of the importance of security. The ROK Armed Forces plans
               to merge the Hwarang Training and the Chungmu Training 45)  to develop a realistic integrated

               defense training, where all national defense elements will participate.

               |  Combined 46)  Exercises and Training  |    To maintain a military readiness posture under
               the combined defense system and enhance the warfighting capabilities of combined forces,

               the ROK and the United States has been reinforcing combined exercises and training with an
               emphasis on upgrading the combat readiness posture and capabilities to execute and sustain
               combined operations.

                 The Key Resolve (KR) exercise and the Foal Eagle (FE) training are an ROK–U.S. combined
               theater-level command post exercise and a combined field training exercise, respectively, carried
               out annually during the first half of the year.

                 The KR exercise focuses on inspecting and assessing the combined defense posture and
               improving prof iciency in warf ighting procedures. In preparation for wartime OPCON transition,

               45)  Training aimed at building emergency response capabilities for the maintenance of a posture for the rapid
                   mobilization of national resources and the establishment of a posture for an immediate shift to wartime mode
               46)  Cooperative relationship between the military units or government organizations of two or more allied nations

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