Page 284 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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             The MND plans to complete the standardization of jobs based on the NCS by 2022 so that
           discharged servicemembers can have their career and expertise recognized in similar areas outside
           the military. The MND will also incorporate the standardized jobs into the organizational

           charts and indicate the NCS-based job experiences on military career certif icates 47)  to ensure
           that military careers are readily translated into college credits and work experiences recognized
           outside the military. To this end, the MND will establish a civil–public–military consultative

           body with the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the Human Resources Development Service
           of Korea, the Military Manpower Administration, and the academia for stable and effective
           promotion of the program.

           [ Chart 6-15 ]  Promoting the Use of Military Career Certificates Outside the Military

               Education andn and                                       Ministry of
                                 Job pe
                  training       Job performance                        Education
                                                                      (college credits)
                           Military                Military                             Use
                         experience                Career                             Outside
                          based on                Certifica                              the
                            NCS                     tion            Ministry of Labor and  Military
              Self-development     Barracks life                    Ministry of SMEs and
                                                                   (recognized by companies)

           |  Securing Jobs for Retiring Servicemembers   |    The MND secures jobs for retiring
           servicemembers within the military by f illing in positions in logistics, education, administration,

           and other noncombat areas with civilians, or designating the positions for civilian personnel as
           positions suitable for retired servicemembers.
             As for jobs outside the military, the MND plans to consult with the relevant ministries to

           employ experienced military personnel and expand the criteria for military experiences so that

           47)  The military career certificate is issued under the Enforcement Rules of the Military Service Act (amended in
               January 2018) in lieu of the Discharge Certificate. It is expected to help servicemembers make the best out of
               their military service, expand their employment prospect after discharge, and incentivize enlisted members to
               commit themselves to their military service.

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