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works for ammunition storages by measuring working environments annually and conducting

           working environment surveys every f ive years. Local exhaust ventilation, ventilating systems,
           and dust collectors 42)  are installed in facilities that exceed the environmental standards to remove
           hazardous materials. The MND also provides special physical checkups to help substitute and

           hospitalize personnel identif ied to have health issues.

           |  Preventing Fine Dust and Implementing a Comprehensive Management Plan  |    Faced

           with the increase of high-density f ine dust, the MND established the Comprehensive Fine
           Particle Management Plan to align its policies with those of the government and protect the
           health of servicemembers. The MND has identif ied 13 tasks in two areas—reduction of fine

           particle emission and unit management—which it plans to implement with focused efforts.
             The key measures in the unit management area include the installation of air purif iers at the
           Army Training Center in 2018, and the installation of additional purif iers at the boot camps of
           each service, command and control cells, military barracks, and hospital rooms. In addition, the

           MND plans to increase the number of anti–f ine particle masks supplied to each servicemember
           every year from 14 in 2018 to 18 in 2019.

             As for the measures for the reduction of f ine dust emission, the MND plans to replace all
           deteriorated diesel vehicles, including jeeps, buses and trucks, registered in 2005 or earlier by
           2019. In addition, the MND headquarters and subordinate institutions will replace all of their
           vehicles for off icial use with environment-friendly vehicles by 2019. The respective military

           services have set the target percentage of environment-friendly cars to 50%, which is to be
           achieved by 2028. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and electric vehicles will be distributed after
           the pilot projects.

           42)  Local exhaust ventilation: processes dusts, gas, and vapors produced
               Dust collector: collects and removes solid or liquid particles floating in the air

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