Page 277 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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In addition, the MND delegates the consultation regarding military installation protection

               zones to local governments, 34)  and continues to expand the scope of delegation to promote
               convenience for the people. In 2018, the MND delegated the consultation for additional
               25.29km .

               [ Chart 6-14 ]  Delegated Consultation Areas
                                                                                           (Unit: km ) 2
                  Total    and    2010   2011    2012   2013   2014   2015    2016   2017   2018
                  1,543.64  643.33  230.06  55.24  40.56  93.49  46.65  344.17  57.2  7.65  25.29

                 Along with the lifting and reduction of military installation protection zone designations, the
               MND is addressing the diff iculties experienced by the people through institutional improvements.
               In 2018, it amended the Enforcement Decree and the Enforcement Rules of the Protection
               of Military Bases and Installations Act to reduce the scope of the Armed Forces personnel

               to be consulted in case of changing the purpose of use for buildings, and the restrictions on
               construction activities in explosive protection zones, 35)  thereby decreasing the inconveniences

               affecting the people as well as the possibilities of violating the people’s rights and interests.
                 Going forward, the MND will form civil-military consultative bodies with the local governments
               of adjacent areas to actively address opinions from nearby community including complaints
               from the people and local governments. With the changes in the operational environments, 36)  the
                                                                                                         Chapter 6
               MND plans to lift and reduce military installation protection zone designations as long as they
               do not interfere with military operations, and continue to lower the regulations that trouble the
               exercising of people’s property rights.

               |  Adjustment of Safety Distance from Ammunitions  |    The MND designates and implements
               military installation protection zones within the minimum safe distance from ammunition

               34)  Local governments may approve the release from protection zone designations if the protection areas and
                   agricultural complexes in the city have only a slight impact on military operations, and the development of the
                   local community and the residents’ convenience can be promoted
               35)  Revised Article 13(3)8 of the Enforcement Decree, revised Article 8(1), and removed Article 7(2) of the
                   Enforcement Rules
               36)  Reduced number of troops, changes in weapon systems, and reorganization of unit structures, etc.e

             Section 5  Ensuring Fair Enforcement of the Duty of Military Service and Enhancing the Benefits for the People     275
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