Page 281 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 281

Section 6       Reinforcing Support for

                               Discharged and Retiring


                               and Privileges for War Veterans

               The MND exerts various efforts to support all servicemembers that leave the ROK Armed Forces in their efforts
               to find a place in the civilian world, including reinforced career transition education and employment support,
               and enhanced privileges for the sacrifices and endeavors of war veterans. In addition, the MND operates
               the military pension system to help career servicemembers enjoy stable post-retirement lives after years of
               dedication to their home country.

               1. Reinforcing Employment Support for Discharged Servicemembers

               |  Employment Support for Servicemembers  |    The MND is currently implementing the
               Plan for Employment and Business Startup of Young Servicemembers (Young Servicemember
               SOS Project), 43)  which encompasses the entire cycle of military service from enlistment, service,
                                                                                                         Chapter 6
               and discharge.
                 The first phase of the plan involves providing education and counseling in order to reinforce
               employment capabilities and support for servicemembers. Since 2018, the MND has implemented

               outreach programs, sending civilian specialist counselor, for units in the f ield such as “Career
               Assistance Education” and “One-on-One Employment Counseling.” In response to requests
               from servicemembers, the MND ref ined and merged the barrack mentoring and educational

               tour programs into the Career Assistance Education program. The Career Assistance Education

               43)  This plan is aimed at facilitating the employment and business startup of young servicemembers. As a joint
                   project with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and the Ministry of Employment and Labor, it enhances the
                   employment and business capabilities of enlisted servicemembers, and matches them with SMEs and venture
                   companies. SOS: Soldiers on SMEs and Startups

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