Page 274 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 274

|  Providing the Legal Basis to Support Areas Near Military Installations  |    Despite the

           inconvenience caused by noises from military operations and training, local residents lack the
           support and compensation for such damage, save for seeking damages through court decisions.
           To address this issue, the MND is currently developing a legal basis for implementing noise

           reduction projects and supporting local residents to reduce the violation of the rights of the
           people living near military installations, improve the welfare of residents, and improve the
           environments in the relevant areas.

             The Act on Supporting Areas Near Military Installations (tentative title), which is being
           drafted by the MND for enactment, includes expanding the scope of applicable facilities 29)  and
           the legal ground for resident support projects. The MND will prepare the draft after consultation

           with f inancial authorities in 2019, and take active efforts to ensure that the act is approved by the
           National Assembly and takes effect early on.

           |  Promoting Shared Use between Civilians and the Military  |    The MND is opening more

           and more facilities to local residents for use as spaces for social functions.
             The ROK Armed Forces is currently opening around 40 sports and cultural facilities to the

           general public. However, due to the insufficiency of public sports and welfare facilities in the
           local community, residents continue to demand the opening of more military installations. To
           open more military installations to the public, the MND is currently identifying the relevant
           legal basis and drafting detailed operation methods.

           [ Chart 6-12 ]  Examples of Facilities Open to the Public: Air Force Academy

                  Category                                Description
                                      Open sports facilities (soccer field, baseball field, and archery range) to residents at
            Convenience for residents
                                  all times.
              Provision of venues for        Host large-scale local events such as the National Sports Festival, the National
               large local events  Junior Sports Festival, the World Firefighter Games, and paragliding events.

                                     Provide school facilities (stadium, gym, and sky park) for sports events and

              Provision of venues for
                 civilian events
                                      Rent a large auditorium (Ahn Jung-geun Hall) for concerts and other cultural events.

           29)  The government-proposed bill submitted to the 18  and 19  National Assembly was only applicable to military
                airstrips and firing ranges. The new act will expand the scope to include military installations in general.

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