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through civil–public–military councils and conferences with local residents.

           3. Military Installations for Shared Growth with Local Communities

           |  Removal of Coastal and Riverside Wire Fences  |    The ROK Armed Forces plans to remove
           barbed wire fences previously set up for vigilance operations in coastal areas and riversides

           as long as the removal does not interfere with military operations. Local governments have
           been continuously demanding the removal of barbed wire fences because they interfere with
           the development of tourism resources in the relevant areas. In the past, upon request from local

           governments, the ROK Armed Forces had removed fences or replaced them with surveillance
           equipment at the local governments’ expense (or 50 % subsidies from the national treasury) only in
           the sections approved through operability assessments. However, under Defense Reform 2.0, the
           MND decided to have the ROK Armed Forces remove fences or replace them with surveillance

           equipment as long as the removal does not interfere with military operations. [Chart 6-11] shows
           the results of the operability assessments of coastal and riverside wire fences in 2018.

             The removal began in the second half of 2018 starting with sections available for immediate
           removal. As for the sections requiring surveillance equipment, the removal will begin in 2019
           after determining the required budget through a commissioned design project.
             The MND plans to complete the removal and replacement of coastal and riverside wire fences

           by 2020 to promote the benefits of the people and revitalize the local economy.

           [ Chart 6-11 ]  Results of the Operability Assessments of Coastal and Riverside Wire Fences
                                                                                        (Unit: km)
                                Sections Previously Approved   Operability Assessment Results
                                       for Removal
                                                                          Remove after
             Category   Target
                                                    In             Do Not   Installing   Remove
                                 Total  Complete           Total
                                                 Progress         Remove  Surveillance  Immediately
            Total number  413.3  114.62    69.3    45.32   298.68  129.08     34.67    134.93
            1  Field Army  183.55  92.02   64.7    27.32   91.53    52.36      0.31     38.86
            2  Operations
             Command     51.23       -        -       -    51.23    26.88     10.12     14.23
            3  Field Army  178.52  22.6     4.6      18    155.92   49.84     24.24     81.84

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