Page 289 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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The circumstances of the Korean War remains recovery project are becoming increasingly

               challenging. The number of witnesses and informants has decreased year by year, while land
               development has resulted in geomorphic changes. Of the 10,204 sets of remains from military
               personnel and police off icers recovered as of 2018, only 131 sets, or 1.3%, have been identif ied.

               With the number of surviving immediate family members of KIAs dwindling, participation
               from second-/third-generation postwar descendants and other citizens is desperately required
               for the identif ication of the remains. To this end, the MND is working with the other ministries

               through the Council of Relevant Ministries for Korean War KIA Remains Recovery. 53)  For
               example, the MND collaborated with other ministries to include questions regarding lost family
               members in the dwelling relocation report form and the questionnaire form for Statistics Korea’s

               periodical demographic surveys. In addition, to ensure eff icient management of the recovered
               remains as well as systematic and scientific identif ication, the MND is currently working toward
               the construction of an identif ication center with 2021 as the target year.

               |  Verifying Participation of Nonmilitary Personnel in the Korean War   |     The MND
               takes various efforts to enhance the privileges of nonmilitary veterans for their sacrif ices and

               endeavors, and honor the meritorious individuals who took part in the Korean War. It registers
               nonmilitary personnel who took part in the Korean War as meritorious individuals through
               the “deliberation committee for verif ication of participation in war.” Since 1995, the MND has
               issued conf irmation letters of participation in the war to about 36,000 individuals.
                                                                                                         Chapter 6

               [ Chart 6-18 ]  Nonmilitary Personnel War Participation Confirmation Letters Issuance Status

                                                                             (As of October 2018, unit: persons)
                           Student                                          Ganghwa
                Year  Total  Volunteer  Laborer   National  Civilian   Ranger  Volunteer  Railway   Youth   Youth   Others
                            Army          Guard  Component     Police  Official  Guerrilla  Corps
                Total  36,190  1,188  4,215  1,594  1,534  8,578  6,466  6,036  2,405  576  3,598

                 The MND has built a database of more than 60,000 data accumulated since 1995 as well as

               53)  Launched in 2009 under Prime Minister Directive No. 647, this annual council brings together high-ranking
                   officials from 12 ministries, including the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, for annual meetings (Chair: Vice
                   Minister of National Defense).

             Section 6  Reinforcing Support for Discharged and Retiring Servicemembers, and Privileges for War Veterans     287
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