Page 287 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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3. Reinforcing Privileges and Compensation for Military Service

               |  Recovering Korean War Remains 48)   |    In 2007, the MND founded the MND Agency for
               Killed in Action Recovery and Identif ication (MAKRI), a special organization dedicated to

               recovering the remains of troops killed during the Korean War, paying tribute to these brave men
               who had sacrif iced their lives for the country, all the while elevating their honor and addressing
               the bereaved families’ long-held wishes. Approximately 200 personnel are working in 5 divisions,

               including planning, investigation, recovery, identif ication, and international cooperation, with a
               total of eight recovery teams in action.
                 By 2018, a total of 11,551 sets 49)  of human remains were recovered, while DNA samples

               were taken from 44,428 bereaved family members. By additionally confirming the identities of
               KIAs, 131 sets of remains have been returned to bereaved families. To recover more remains
               while Korean War veterans and bereaved families are still alive, the MND has reinforced the
               organization and personnel, and is carrying out a systematic recovery project under the “Five-

               Year Plan for the Recovery of Remains.”

               [ Chart 6-16 ]  Remains Recovery Status by Year
                                                                    (As of the end of December 2018; unit: no. of sets)
                 Year  Total        2009  2010   2011  2012  2013   2014  2015  2016  2017   2018
                       11,551  2,875  1,284  1,440  1,387  1,041  736  913  622  429   448   376
                                                                                                         Chapter 6
                personnel  10,204  2,233  1,143  1,328  1,300  989  671  809  561  387  420  362
               and police

               *  Cumulative total of remains discovered: 11,511 sets in total (10,204 from Korean military personnel and police officers, 18 from United Nations
                Force members, and 1,329 from the enemy); includes 65 bodies of Korean military personnel returned by the U.S. Defense Prisoner of War /
                Missing in Action Accounting Agency(DPAA)

               48)  A national project to search for the unfound remains of about 130,000 troops
                   who died during the Korean War to return them to their bereaved families.
               49)  10,204 from ROK Armed Forces and police officers, 18 from UN Command,
                   725 from Korean People’s Army, and 604 from China People’s Volunteer Army   Remains of Korean KIAs
                                                                                   in Hawaii returned to the home
                   (PVA).                                                              country after 68 years

             Section 6  Reinforcing Support for Discharged and Retiring Servicemembers, and Privileges for War Veterans     285
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