Page 287 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 287


                  4       Reinforcing Human Rights
                          Protection for Servicemembers

               The MND implements various policies aimed at seeking fundamental solutions for
               accidents and human rights violations in barracks in order to reestablish the ROK Armed
               Forces as a military that is aligned with the people and trusted by the people. In 2019,
               it has introduced the alternative service program for conscientious objectors to military
               service based on religion and other reasons to ensure the protection of the constitutional
               and human rights of servicemembers. Moreover, to guarantee servicemembers’ right to
               stand trial, the MND has transferred the jurisdiction over appellate trials to civilian courts
               and improved the punishment system for servicemembers; thus implementing military
               justice reforms.

               1. Improving Human Rights Protection for Servicemembers

               Establishing a Comprehensive Plan  The MND has established the 2019-
               for Human Rights Policies in the   2023 Comprehensive Plan for Human
               Defense Domain                     Rights Policies in the Defense Domain                Chapter 7

                                                  with an aim of fostering a human rights
               -friendly military culture and amplifying intangible combat power as a result. This
               comprehensive plan is a guideline for the mid- to long-term direction for human
               rights policies in the military, consisting of 35 detailed tasks for promotion including
               5 major tasks, establishment of the military human rights protection off ce (military
               ombudsman), expansion of public defender service for servicemembers, and use of
               mobile phones for servicemembers after working hours.

               Establishing the Military Human   As part of the effort to improve human
               Rights Protection Office         rights situations in the military aimed at
                                                preventing violations of human rights of
               servicemembers and improving human rights in the military for damage relief, the
               MND will offer its full cooperation with the establishment of the military human
               rights protection off ce within the National Human Rights Commission of Korea and
               provide full support for the activities carried out by the off ce. For a prompt revision
               of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea Act, which stipulates the

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People
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