Page 289 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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with public standards through consultation with external experts such as the military
               advisory committee of the MND and the headquarters of each service and through
               the military human rights advisory lawyer system for division-level units.
               Henceforward, the MND will unwaveringly lay the foundation for promoting and
               protecting human rights for servicemembers in keeping with the development in the
               human rights situation in the ROK.

               Institutional Reforms for Probes      By providing fundamental solutions
               into and Fundamental Resolution of    for deaths that occur during military
               Unsolved Deaths in the Military       service and where bereaved family
                                                     members raise doubts on the cause
               of death, the MND is striving to resolve the bereaved family members’ suspicions
               and regain the trust of the people. Especially on April 11, 2019, the MND began
               operation of a government appointed attorney system for bereaved families of deaths
               in the military, allowing them to receive legal support in the process of dealing with
               the death, and revised the Framework Act on Military Status and Service on May
               2020 so as to clarify the legal grounds thereof.
                 In accordance with the Special Act on Ascertaining the Truth of Military Accidents

               Resulting in Death, the MND launched the Presidential Truth Commission on
               Deaths in the Military in September 2018 to allow independent committee to carry        Chapter 7
               out objective investigations on the allegations raised by the bereaved family members
               with regard to deaths in the military, thus making efforts to recover damages
               sustained by the relevant parties and repair its impaired reputation.
                 Henceforward, the MND will continue to exert efforts to expand the respon-
               sibilities of the nation toward, and ensure the best treatment for, servicemembers
               who sacrificed their lives in the course of their service, thereby regaining the trust
               of the public in the military and contributing to promotion and protection of human   "As all types of the current
                                                                                     military service infringe
               rights for servicemembers.                                            upon the conscience of
                                                                                     military service objectors
                                                                                     based on religious beliefs,
                                                                                     etc., as they presuppose
                                                                                     military training, Article 5
               2.  Introduction of Alternative Service Program for Conscientious     (1) of the Military Service
                                                                                     Act, which does not
                 Objectors to Military Service Based on Religious Beliefs, Etc.      stipulate an alternative
                                                                                     service program for military
                                                                                     service objectors under
                                                                                     the freedom of conscience
               In accordance with a Constitutional Court decision on June 28, 2018 that Article 5 of   pursuant to Article 19 of
                                                                                     the Constitution of the
               the Military Service Act runs counter to the Constitution , three agencies–MND,   Republic of Korea, runs
                                                                                     counter to the Constitution;
               MMA, and Ministry of Justice–promoted on July 9, 2018 the introduction of an   thus, it shall be temporarily
                                                                                     applicable until December
               alternative service program for conscientious objectors to military service based on   31, 2019."

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People
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