Page 283 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 283

personnel for first aid, rapid emergency evacuation is required. Accordingly, the
               MND seeks to build an emergency evacuation system for all the entire ROK Armed
               Forces so as to meet the golden hour for patient evacuation.
                 In order to provide on-site first aid at the earliest opportunity, the MND continues
               to increase the number of "emergency medical technicians" primarily in the company
               units in standing divisions. In addition, the MND is reinforcing the emergency
               care function of hospitals supporting front corps and actively utilizing aeromedical
               evacuation so that evacuation of critically ill patients to the Armed Forces Capital
               Hospital can be completed within an hour and a half. In 2020, the MND f eld deployed
               eight medevac helicopters capable of flying at night and in bad weather and at the
               same time reinforced the functions and personnel of the General Medical Situation
               Center  of the Armed Force Medical Command (AFMC) to provide systematic
               emergency care ranging from patient assistance to evacuation to hospitals. Going
               forward, the MND plans to develop a "General Medical Situation Center integrated
               control program" that is capable of integrating and controlling the entire military
               emergency evacuation system encompassing both aviation and land routes.

               Enhancing the Capability to      Due to the group life characteristics of the
               Deal with Infectious             military, an outbreak of an infectious
               Diseases and Prevent Diseases    disease in the military has the potential to

                                                generate a large number of patients, which             Chapter 7
               could have a fatal impact on combat readiness posture. As infectious diseases are
               nonmilitary threats that impact national security, the military needs to take the
               initiative in preparing for and countering infectious diseases.
                 The MND is expanding the scope of those who are vaccinated against diseases that
               continue to occur inside and outside the military and cause death if complications
               occur (such as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome), and has reinforced the
               preventive medical organizations and
               functions of the AFMC to enhance
               monitoring and response capabilities
               against infectious diseases that occur                                16)
                                                                                     As a department under
               throughout the military. The MND                                      the Armed Forces Medical
                                                                                     Command, it plays a role
               assigned military personnel and                                       as a control tower similar
                                                                                     to the 119 Situation Center
               resources when dealing with COVID-                                    in the event of a military
                                                                                     emergency patient and
               19 at the national level and played                                   provides one-stop support
                                                                                     for first aid, and evacuation
               key roles in various fields such as                                   and treatment of
                                                 New nursing officers providing medical support at   emergency patients round
               COVID-19 testing, sample collection,   the Armed Forces Daegu Hospital (March 2020)  the clock all year round.

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People
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