Page 281 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 281


                  3       Reorganizing the Military
                          Medical System

               The ROK Armed Forces is strengthening their military medical capabilities in essential
               areas to build a military medical system trusted by both servicemembers and the public,
               while actively capitalizing on civilian medical resources when providing medical services.

               1.  Improving the Military Medical System Geared Toward

               Modernizing Military Medical  Facilities  The MND plans to improve dete-
                                                     riorated medical corps at division-

               level units and below as well as hospitals supporting forward corps to ensure that
               servicemembers can receive treatment in a comfortable environment.                      Chapter 7
                 Of the total 75 division-level medical corps buildings, 24 buildings that are old
               will be improved one after another by the end of 2025, while the renovation of 7 old
               medical facilities in units scheduled to be disbanded or relocated were completed in
               2020. Among the hospitals supporting forward corps, the Armed Forces Hospitals in
               Hongcheon, Gangneung, Yangju, and Chuncheon will be modernized sequentially
               by 2024 in connection with the Armys unit reorganization plan.

               Functional Adjustments and Specialization   In order to ensure higher levels
               of Military Medical Institutions          of medical services for ser-
                                                         vicemembers by efficiently
               utilizing limited military medical capabilities, the MND is making adjustments
               towards specializing the functions of each military medical institution through
               "selection and concentration".
                 16 military hospitals were specialized by area such as surgery, mental health,
               outpatient, nursing, and medical checkup, and the equipment and personnel have
               been reassigned in phases according to the level of treatment and available care
               provided by each military hospital by end of 2020. The Armed Forces Busan

                                      Chapter 7.  Embedding an Inclusive Culture in the Military: With the People, Trusted by the People
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