Page 282 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 282

Hospital was disbanded in October 2020, and the Armed Forces Capital Hospital will
                            open a trauma center to secure its own ability to provide complete medical treatment
                            for patients with military trauma such as gunshot wounds and blast injuries.
                             With regard to division-level medical corps, pilot projects to adjust functions with
                            the goal of reinforcing primary care functions of division-level and below medical
                            corps are being carried out at two divisions in 2019 and four divisions in 2020. In
                            addition, it plans to pursue the opening of division medical corps as clinic-level
                            medical institutions by strengthening the outpatient care function such as replacing
                            and upgrading old video and inspection equipment and assigning additional 3-5
                            short-term medical off cers by 2022.

                            Improving the Use of   As most servicemembers visit military hospitals using
                            Military Hospitals     outpatient buses, a high concentration of patients
                                                   gather at a certain period of time, and the procedures
                            for servicemembers’ families to enter military hospitals for visits are complicated.
                            To resolve these issues, the MND is making efforts to improve the convenience of
                            using military hospitals.
                             First, the MND is increasing the number of outpatient buses, adjusting the work

                            hours of medical staff to match the visiting hours of servicemembers and opening
                            additional consultation rooms for departments in high demand to ensure that
                            servicemembers can receive satisfactory treatment through outpatient services.
                            With regard to medical access of servicemembers in the front line in particular,
                            the outpatient system for each region has been reorganized by more than doubling
                            the number of buses for hospitals supporting front corps. In 2021, the MND plans
                            to improve the conditions for utilizing military medical institutions by consigning
                            to the private sector the operation of outpatient buses which had been run by
                            servicemembers at division-level medical corps in some of the frontline areas with
                            poor traff c environment.
                             At the same time, for the Armed Forces Capital Hospital facilities located outside
                            the military installations protection zones that require access control, full entry of
                            family members of servicemembers has been allowed without any restrictions as in
                            civilian hospitals, and guide personnel has been assigned. Furthermore, the MND
                            plans to conduct further review to determine whether to apply the same scheme to all
                            other military hospitals.

                            Improving the Emergency    If an emergency patient occurs in units in the
                            Evacuation Capabilities    forward and remote areas without any medical

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