Page 195 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 195

The total budget allocated to the Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2021–2025 is KRW
               300.7 trillion, which is an annual average increase of 6.1%. The Size of the budget for
               the Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2021-2025 is shown in [Chart 5-13].

               [Chart 5-13] Mid-Term Defense Budget Size
                                                                        (Unit: KRW trillion)
                                                Years Subject to the Mid-Term Plan
                    Category     2020
                                        2021   2022   2023    2024   2025   Total
                  Defense Budget  50.2  53.2   56.5   59.8   63.6    67.6  300.7
                   (Growth Rate)  (7.4%)  (6.0%)  (6.3%)  (5.9%)  (6.3%)  (6.3%)  (6.1%)
                 Force Operating Costs  33.5  36.1  38.3  40.1  42.0  44.0  200.6
                   (Growth Rate)  (6.9%)  (7.8%)  (6.3%)  (4.7%)  (4.7%)  (4.8%)  (5.6%)
                 Force Enhancement   16.7  17.1  18.2  19.7  21.6    23.6  100.1
                   (Growth Rate)  (8.5%)  (2.5%)  (6.2%)  (8.4%)  (9.5%)  (9.3%)  (7.2%)

                 The major contents of the Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2021-2025 in the category of      Chapter 5
               force operations are as follows.
                 First, the MND plans to establish a robust military readiness posture through the
               strengthening of force support and reinforcement of security capabilities required

               for maintaining warfighting capabilities. To maximize existing force operation
               capabilities, the MND will improve the PBL program and post- logistics support
               for the introduction and operation of advanced military forces such as the F-35A
               and HUAV. Moreover, the ROK Armed Forces’ security operational readiness will
               be enhanced by installing high-performance CCTVs at harbors, ports, and military
               bases, thereby reinforcing the functions of barbed wire fences, guard posts, light
               towers, etc. and eliminating blind spots in the border areas.
                 Second, the MND plans to establish an omnidirectional medical support system
               that will isolate and treat patients and provide support for the private sector in case
               of an outbreak of an infectious disease, and to reinforce equipment and supplies
               for quick response to terrorism and CBRN attacks or large-scale and emergency
               disasters. For the expansion of cyber-information and surveillance capabilities, the
               ability to respond to transnational and nonmilitary threats including cyber-threats,
               disasters, and terrorism will be further secured by strengthening the ROK Armed
               Forces’ counter-cyber-capabilities.
                 Third, to foster a smart military with stronger combat power despite the reduction of
               troops, the MND plans to ref ne the military structure and introduce Fourth Industrial
               Revolution technologies to the defense domain. For the maintenance of combat
               power despite troop reduction, combat units will be reinforced with off cers and non-

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System
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